Chapter 3

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Sunlight spilled in through the blinds as Seth's eyes fluttered open and saw the two pairs of glasses on the coffee table and Rebecca just starting to gently stir in his arms.  "i'm sorry " she said sheepishly" I must have dozed off"   "we better call it a night and get some sleep" she said. 

Seth just laughed as he stretched and said "Rebecca... look around you its morning" he said softly.  "what?" she giggled.  "you are blushing" he teased her as he got up to make them some coffee."    "well... I um... I mean... we .. we.. " she stammered.  "its ok he assured her" we just got tired watching the movie and fell asleep on the couch together- nothing else happened"   "why don't yo u go get cleaned up and get ready for the day while I get breakfast ready" he said.

Rebecca grabbed her bag and disappeared into the bathroom and changed into a comfy pair of jeans and hoodie and pulled her red hair into high ponytail and put her contacts in before dabbing on a little mascara and tinted lipgloss. 

Seth smiled when he saw her getting her math stuff out of her bag and setting it neatly on one end of the table. "i''ll be right back he told her as he went in his room and threw on his favorite jeans and hoodie and put his contacts and hurried back out to finish making breakfast. "he is so handsome" she thought to herself as she sipped her coffee. t. hey had a nice breakfast and Becky loaded the dishwasher and then they settled in to study.  "I'm impressed" he told her "you catch on quick."

"thanks" she said "you are a great teacher" she said. Seth blushed.   Seth continued to tutor her  3 nights a week for the next couple weeks but the studying session only lasts about 45 minutes each and then they spent the rest of the time getting to know each other often times having dinner together, or going to a movie or comedy show, or hanging out at watching tv together."

after their saturday session a couple weeks later, they had dinner and then headed back to his apartment, when they got there, they both blushed horribly as his roommate was home and he was going down on his girlfriend in the living room! Seth reached over and flicked the light switch repeatedly which startled them and they covered up and hightailed it into his room with him cussing a blue streak the whole way and flipping Seth the bird as  he went by."

"we could watch tv at my place" Rebecca told him "Ashley and her boyfriend got their own place" she said. "sounds like a good idea" he told her "i gotta disinfect that couch before it can be sat on" he laughed.

they headed back to Rebecca's apartment and she got them some water from the fridge.  "can I ask you something?"  she said "of course" he replied.  "are we dating?''  she said.  Seth blushed  and said "technically no, but we are very good friends"  "I am just your math tutor and your friend."

"now remember" he said "its visitors weekend next weekend so we won't be able to study together."   "oh yeah" she sighed.. "me mum and pop won't be here" so, I guess I will be studying alone all weekend."

all that week she was happy during their study sessions and she noticed a couple times that he scooted closer to her  on the couch, and it made her feel....strange...  as  their Thursday session ended he gave her a friendly hug and said if his mom and dad left at a decent time on sunday, he would try to come over and study with her for a little while.

Before Rebecca knew it, it was nearly 4:30pm on Sunday evening, she had been studying hard all weekend and cleaned her apartment from top to bottom.  as she got out of the shower a few minutes later she heard a knock at her door. she dried herself and quickly threw her clothes and glasses on. "who is it?" she called out pulling her damp hair into a ponytail.  "its Seth" he said

she smiled when she heard his voice and let him in " she showed him all the studying she had got done, and when he checked her practice tests over there wasn't a single mistake on them!  
"I am so proud of you" he told her "you are gonna ace that test for sure" 

"you really think so?" she said "if I do its because i have an amazing teacher"  after their last study session a couple days later Rebecca felt sad.. "whats wrong?" Seth asked her  "once I take this test and get my grade back,  other than a refresher or two before my final, I won't get to see you anymore" she said sadly. "im going to miss this"

"trust me" he said softly " I think we will be seeing a lot more of each other from now on"

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