Chapter 9

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"BECCA!!!!!!"  Ashley hollered  Rebecca turned around and smiled when she saw her friend.  "WE DID IT!!!"  "did you survive your Math course?"  Ashley asked her. Rebecca broke out in a smile and said "aced my mid term and got the highest  grade on the final in my class" she told her proudly "and I graduated with  straight A's"   

"that's great!" Ashley told her.   "how did you pull  it off?"  "that's my little secret" Rebecca said with a wink as she donned her graduation gown, cap and honors sash.   "you are going to be the best chemical dependency counselor North Carolina has ever seen"  Rebecca told her. "I saw what that crap did to friends and to even some family members, and when push came to shove I was always the one they came to for help and advice, and it stuck with them and helped them over come it." Ashley said.

After all the boring speeches were done,  Rebecca watched proudly as Renee was given her TV journalism degree,  and as Ashley was given her degree.  

"Rebecca Elizabeth Quinn"  the dean called out . Rebecca walked proudly across the stage and  accepted her degree and wiped a couple stray tears from her eyes as she looked heavenward and said "this is for you pop"

after the ceremony, Rebecca found her friends and Ashley could see she was emotional and enveloped her in a huge hug  "he is looking down on you and smiling with his huge irish grin beaming proudly" she said quietly to Rebecca.   "and I am beyond proud of you too ...Spaz!" she chuckled.

"back at ya blondie" Rebecca said with a half smile.  "I am gonna sleep like a rock tonight" she said as they headed to their cars   "I am exhausted."  "wanna go for a girl's  pampering day tomorrow?" Ashley asked her "my treat?"  "i'll let you know for sure in the morning" Rebecca told her.

As Becky got her keys out, she heard a voice coming from behind her but with the breeze she couldn't  make out what they were saying.  as she felt a hand on her shoulder, she suddenly heard a scream as the hand flew off her shoulder. she spun quickly around and was stunned to see Seth rolling around on the ground screaming in pain and grabbing his face!

She immediately sprang  into action "Renee grab me a couple bottles of water from my trunk, and a couple of the towels from the laundry basket in there." she said tossing her, her car keys. "it fuckin burns!!!" auuuugh " he screamed.  she put a rolled up towel on the ground behind his head and  grabbed her first aid kit from the backseat.  as she flushed his eyes  with water she saw that his contacts were stuck to his cheeks.  she carefully put them in the spare contact case she had in her purse, and continued to flush his eyes first with more water, then with eye wash.

"what happened love?" she said quietly " I was running to catch up with you he said "and as I touched your shoulder I got a face full of heavy duty pepper spray"  "from who?"  she asked him as she helped him sit up.. "blondie" he said pointing at  Ashley.

"if you touch my bestie again, i'll make you wish you hadn't you scruffy looking creep!" Ashley told him.  Rebecca giggled as she helped Seth to his feet and said "Ash... he isn't a scruffy creep"  "this is my boyfriend...Seth"   "I would never do anything to hurt her" he said.

"you?...... boyfriend.....?" Ashley said as she put her pepper spray back in her purse  "since when?"  she looked at Seth and smiled and said  since 5 months ago."  "Ashley gave her a sheepish look and said "if he needs to be seen at urgent care and/or the eye doctor,  I will cover the costs"  " I am so sorry  I just over reacted and thought he was going to jump you or steal your purse."

"im a big girl Ash.. I know how to handle myself" she giggled "but, at the same time thanks for looking out for me...blondie..   "you know I always got your back...spaz." she said with a smile    after Ashley left,  Rebecca asked Seth how he got there.  "I drove to your apartment, and then took the shuttle from the apartment to here"   

"glad you are ok" Renee said "no kidding" Jon piped up "that shit smelled REALLY strong!"   I still feel like its in my nose" Seth groaned  "its probably in your moustache and your beard" Jon said.  " a nice hot shower should take care of it." Seth nodded. 

Renee and Jon said their goodbyes and left.  Seth held the ice pack  against his eyes till they got to Rebecca's apartment. they stopped by his car so he could get his bag from the trunk.  once they got inside she looked at his eyes and said "they might be a little sore and puffy the next couple days, so you will have to wear your glasses for awhile, but,  your big brown eyes are gonna be ok."

he smiled at her and said "would it be ok if I use  your shower?" "I want to get that nasty smell out of me... and my memory."  "of course you can love" she said "just give me a minute"   she went in and laid a clean towel on the hamper next to the shower, and a clean washcloth. when she came out he was standing with his toiletries bag in his hand.  "enjoy your shower love" she said.

it didn't take long for her to hear him whistling in the shower,  and she smiled as she called and ordered them  some fried chicken  from a nearby restaurant.   as she walked towards her bedroom to take out her contacts, she blushed when she saw Seth by his bag,  the towel tightly around his waist.  "he looks soooo HOT" she thought to herself as he turned several shades of red.

"I forgot to grab my basketball shorts " he chuckled nervously keeping a death grip on the towel.  "well don't look now, but you dropped these" she said giggling as she picked up his briefs and tossed them to him. causing him to blush even more. he disappeared quickly into the bathroom and came out clad in his basketball shorts , glasses and a man bun  but no shirt.  

He went quickly over to Rebecca and wrapped his arms around her and said softly "now I can give you would have given you after your graduation had I not been blinded"  and he tipped her chin up and kissed her deeply.   "I am so proud of you Becks" he told her  "I love you baby"

"I love you too" she said returning the kiss their tender moment was cut short by a loud knock at the door."  "to be continued...later" Seth smiled lovingly at her as he went to the door.  "mmmm fried chicken"  he said as he locked the door after handing Rebecca the bags.   "my favorite"

they enjoyed their somewhat late dinner, and then relaxed blissfully in each others arms talking and relaxing and kissing. until they got sleepy and drifted off to sleep peacefully in each others arms.

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