Chapter 13

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A couple Fridays later, Rebecca was on her own as the trainer to start the show as Fit's flight was late getting in.  the WWE sent their assistant trainer, to the show in case she needed any help as well.

it was a busy night from the word go.. she had to send someone to the hospital to be checked for a concussion,  stitch up 2 peoples heads and one person's lip, immobilize a shoulder injury, and tape up a couple broken fingers.

during the final match of the night, Rebecca had to go to the ring after getting the signal from the ref that young tyler breeze's injury was legit.  as she knelt in the ring checking on him, his big burly opponent paced around grunting and screaming as the ref hollered at him to stay back. Fit was at ringside now and helped tyler to the back.  as Rebecca started to get out of the ring, the arena lights went out, and a man in a black tshirt and black leather jacket walked slowly to the ring. 

he dispatched of the big burly man in the ring and then turned his attention to Rebecca, as he walked towards her she began to get scared , but only for a brief second, as her instincts took over and she threw him over her shoulder to the mat as he reached for her.

as he got up he was dazed and angry and started screaming at her. the big man grabbed him and threw him out of the ring, but his timing was and  the man in black  sailed into Rebecca and sent her crashing to the floor with him on top of her.

Fit ran over and pulled him off of Rebecca. "Becca.... lass... where does it hurt?" he said  "talk to me lass... don't need yer gramps ta kick me arse"  Rebecca groaned as she tried to catch her breath.. "ribs" she whispered.

Fit got her to her feet and Seth was waiting right behind the curtain where he gingerly scooped her up and carried her to the trainer's room."   "lad" Fit said to Seth.. "you are gonna need to take her to the A&E for an xray to make sure her ribs aren't busted up from him landing on her like that. Seth nodded as he opened her locker and grabbed her jacket and her purse.

"angels watch over ye and keep ya safe lass" Fit said as he squeezed her hand.  Fit walked her up to the car with Seth, "i've known her since she was a wee little lass" he said. "always been a tomboy and a fighter... never known her to wear a dress and heels"

Thankfully, the x-rays showed no broken ribs, and she was just bruised.  Seth took the next couple weeks off to stay home and take care of her so she could rest and heal.  "who do you think the man in black was that landed on you?" Seth asked her one night.

"I don't know" she said shaking her head.. I thought the voice was familiar, but, I couldn't place it"

Rebecca took it easy the next couple shows, but still kept busy.  Seth had a late finance class that day, so he wasn't at the arena yet..  the matches had started... and so far the trainers hadn't been needed. Seth got tp the arena during the third match and got ready quickly for his match.. Rebecca had a bad feeling about the match, but she didn't know why.

Seth and  Fandango put on an absolutely amazing match. .. with Seth getting the win. as he soaked in the cheers from the crowd,  The masked man in black slipped into the ring and hit Seth from behind and then locked in a very clumsy improperly applied figure four leg lock on him.. Seth screamed in pain! three referees ran into the ring and tried to pull the man off of him but he refused to budge!

Roman came flying down the ramp as did samoa joe.  somehow they got him off of Seth but he was still fighting them tooth and nail to get back at Seth.  Just then the crowd went nuts as FInn Balor ran down to the ring and he unloaded with a barrage of stiff punches and kicks to the mans head and chest.  "what the bloody fookin hell is your problem??!?!!" Finn screamed at him  "that was a piss poor hold you put on him, and  you could have seriously damaged his knee or his leg you fookin idiot!"

he lunged for Finn and Finn side stepped him and threw him headfirst into the turnbuckle causing him to fly backwards into the ring where Fit  smiled a devilish little grin and planted his right fist into the guys face "lights out boy o" he said as the masked man slumped into the corner.

As everyone turned their attention to Seth, Finn kept a close eye on the masked man as did Fit.   Rusev, who was a big muscled guy from Bulgaria stood over the man in the corner and held his foot over the man's face and told him in broken English " Rusev cruuuush"   Finn began laughing hysterically as he leaned over and said something to Fit as they got Seth out of the ring.  "guess the lad shoulda worn dark trousers then.." Fit laughed. Rebecca looked at Fit funny and he said "rusev literally scared fookin wee outta  him!" she glanced back and saw what Fit meant and giggled.

Fit sent Fin to grab Seth's bags and then they helped Rebecca get him to the car. "text me as soon as ya can and let me know how he is lass" Fit told her as she got Seth buckled in and the ice pack positioned on his knee.

"I will" she said. as she hopped in the drivers seat .  by a sheer miracle Seth's knee wasn't badly damaged, he just had stretched and stained ligaments, and was going to need crutched for a few weeks followed by some rehab exercises to strengthen his knee back up.

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