chapter xxxi

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I drop Shantell off at her crib and head to mine. Yesterday's scrimmage was cool , with us barely winning, 61-59. That's got me thinking that I gotta step up more, especially if Jason keeps us this act he's got going on. When I enter the house, I see Raq and Quincy chatting it up in the dining room.

" What's happening young blood?" Raq says. He counting money and putting them in specific stacks.

" Nothing much."

" You know, you need to stop hanging out with ya crew so late at night. You an athlete." Q says with a blunt in his mouth.

" I know my priorities big bruh"

" Ohhhh, young bro got it all figured out!" Raq. Q and him start to laugh.

" What are you two doing again?" I ask being confused.

" Getting ready for this he-"

" Aye now, don't tell him Raq!!!" Q says.

" Listen, just know Christmas is in 2 weeks...and we are give what some folks have been asking for" Q semi yells. A group of women randomly come in where we are located.

" Ohhhh shit!! Ronnie, I don't think you should be in here.." Raq says as he pulls one of the women on his lap. I throw my hands up and head to my room.


I wake up really early, like at 5:45 am. I actually took what Quincy said to me yesterday about being an athlete to heart, even though he was joking. I jog to a nearby park and continue my little workout. After an hour straight of jogging, I head to a nearby coffee shop to grab myself some breakfast. When I arrive to the coffee shop, I realize somebody getting jumped in the back alley behind the the shop. I don't interfere with it though, it ain't none of my business. After I get my breakfast and grub, I look back into that same alley. I notice Jason laying there. He's pretty beat up with blood coming from nose and his bottom lip. I walk up to him, and he doesn't recognize who I am at first.

"Man, Ronnie?!"

" What the fuck man? Did you get jumped?"

" Why do you care?"

" I ain't gone act like I don't know you! Why you out here on the streets for?"

" Out on the job... I need money's been hard out here."

" Get up man."

" I ain't going nowhere...I'll look like a bitch."

" I ain't  gone say it again. NOW GET THE FUCK UP" I yell at Jason. He follows me home, where I help him out. I bandage him up and get him some food to eat on. We didn't really speak, but I could there was something going with Jason.

" Look J, we gotta get you back to your normal self. You shouldn't be roaming the streets."

" I ain't got nothing to lose...I mean I got to do this. That's the only way we gone survive at home."

" Nigga, you got a whole scholarship from USC and you don't got nothing to lose?! Are you fucking crazy?!"

"Just might be...."

" The best thing for you is to stay away from the streets. It's eating you alive man. Get you a job or something"

Jason looks at his watch and grabs a bottle of water.

" Aye, I appreciate the hospitality and all , but I gotta go" he says heading to the door.

" One more thing J.... I need to see you at practice tomorrow. We need you on the court."

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