chapter xxxx

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The image of Ronnie's face after I said I didn't love him anymore pops in my brain at random moments. Jace is taking me with him to his house. He had a big game tonight as they beat Saint John's, 65-54. He had like 30 points, so I know he's had to be in a pretty good mood. I don't want to ruin his spirit by what I'm thinking about. It's all about him. We get to his house, and I chill while he freshens himself up.

" That one was for mama dukes." Jace says, throwing his shirt on over his shoulders.

" How is she?"

" She's still in the hospital, but she's doing better."

" That's good. All she needs to do is progress, right?"

He nods his head while coming over to me. We lay their while we watch our favorite comedy movie. Again, images of Ronnie pop in my head. I began to think back to what I said to him.

I've come to the conclusion that I didn't truly meant what I said to him. I do still have love for him. I mean, I trusted him with my heart, my body, and everything else. Yet, somehow I still managed to have love for him after everything that occurred. I don't even know what part of me is still stuck on him. He had me, but he lost me.

" Anasyia!!" Jace says, interrupting my thoughts. I sit up straight and answer him.

" What's going on with you?"

" What are you talking about?"

" You acting weird...usually when we watch Rush Hour, you dying of laughter..."

" I'm sorry baby... it's just a lot on my mind.."

" What's on your mind?"

"'s nothing serious..."

" It's got to not even smiling..."

"Well, I guess it's just college things, you know.. I don't know where to go to school" I say lying to him.

" Oh..."

" Yeah, and I don't even know where you're gonna be after this year...."

" You don't believe in long distance relationships? Besides, I can fly you out to see me and vice versa.."

" I don't know if I could ever be away from you like that for long." 

" Baby, I'm down with whatever decision you make. You always be apart of me.." Jace  says. He makes me smile, and soon my mind is completely off of Ronnie, and is on the way Jace makes me feel when he's all in me.


I walk into the back alley, waiting for Troop and his guys to appear. I skipped my first last playoff game, just to be out of this gang shit. Today was the only day to be jumped out, especially since Troop has to be on the low.

" I heard you wanted out lul nigga..."

" Yeah....all of a sudden you a bitch now?!"

I turn my head and see a gang of dudes coming toward me. My body is telling me to run, but I stay solid in my mind and stand my ground. Throughout all of the dudes in front of me, I see Troop in the background, waving at me. The last thing I can remember is someone bashing me in the back of the head.


I see a bright ass light sitting right in front of me. I turn my head from side to side and see a bunch of wires connected to me. I don't even know what is going on. I begin to feel a sense of urgency come within me and began to scream to help. Doctors come to calm me down and force me to scoff down some medicine. After 25 minutes, I feel myself come back to my senses.

I recognize someone very familiar in the corner of the room. She sits there on her pager and looks kind of stressed out.

" Aye, i-is that Devyn?" I say. She gets closer, and practically stands over me.

" Jason? You look back to your normal self.. a little bit.."

" Why are you here? Hell, why the fuck am I here?"

" I was at the studio and... I seen your body in the back of an alley. I don't even know what even made me stop. I guess it was just fate..."

" Damn... th-thanks....I don't know where I would be if you didn't show up.."

" You'd probably be dead... from the looks of it, whoever jumped you were looking to  leave you for dead."

" It's that bad?"

" Hell yeah. You have like 4 gashes on your chest and some many bruises on both of your legs. The police are investigating though.."

" Investigating what?"

" Jason, you were jumped in the back of an alley."

I close my eyes and pry myself to remember what could've happened. Suddenly, an image of Troop waving at me pops in my mind.

" No!"

" No what?"

" They can't know... it's gonna make me out to be a snitch!"

" Who can't know? How are you a snitch ?"

" Look, I was jumped out of a gang. The police can't know who jumped me."

" Why not? They can be locked u for good.."

" Can I trust you Devyn?"

" Of course you can?"

" You promise me you won't rat on me?"

" Jason, tell me.."

" Troop. He was supposed to be locked up for like 2 years, but now he's out on the low. And his crew jumped me out of the gang."

" So you asked for this?"

" I just wanted to change my life. And I did anything necessary to do just that."

Our conversation cuts off as a male doctor comes in. He brings in a man in a suit with him. I assume he's here to ask me and Devyn questions. I glare at her and she does the same. I need her to take one for me, and not bail on me.


People been asking me if I've been alright today, and it's been irritating me. I don't know, it's like every little thing somebody does is messing with me. What Anaysia said to me has been on my brain all day. I wanna truly know if she meant it, but there's no way for me to even get to her.

I head to gym and see Jason heading there too. I'm glad to see him here, especially since he wasn't at the last game. Once he gets closer, I can see he has bandages on his arms and under his eye. His lower lip is busted, and there are small scratches on his left cheek.

" Aye, Jason? You good?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm straight."

" What happened to you.."

" Mini car accident.. I was in a taxi.."

" Damn, man. You gone be straight though, right?"

" Of course.. once y'all get past regionals, I should be able to play again."

" That's great. I'm proud of you man."

" I appreciate that dawg. I don't know where I would be if you wasn't with me..."

We walk inside and get practice over with. After practice, we stop by a burger joint and grab a bite. Once I get home, I prepare myself for our next game tomorrow against Harper High. I also think about ways to get to Anasyia. The words that were said to me are driving me crazy. I know there's no way that she doesn't have love for me, but I need to hear her say it herself. It could be very simple, but it could be drastic too. I don't wanna go to the extent of practically stalking her. But anything can happen.

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