chapter xxxxvi

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Jace shoots the high arcing shot from the corner.

We all watch in awe as the ball floats through the net, making the net swish.

" GAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" the ref calls out.

The crowd goes absolutely insane and everyone floods the court floor. Roxanne and I stay where we're at, so we won't get trampled. I watch as the Crenshaw team gets emotional and celebrates. A bunch of media outlets crowd around Jace, who is very emotional.

" Girl, your whole family is here !" Roxanne says to me.

I turn around and see my father, Angie, and my brother. I grin and them, but really lose it when I see my mom and Joe there also. I want to go to them, but that is practically impossible with how many are surrounding us.


It happened. It really happened. I'm a state champion. The feeling is unreal. I look up in the stands, but I don't see who I'm really looking for, which is my brother. After all of the frenzy, I head the locker room. I'm stop my tracks after hearing a familiar voice. I turn around and see somebody that I really wasn't expecting to be here.

"Look at my boy..."

" YOOOO!!!! POPS!!!" I yell. I give him the biggest hug I possibly could. I don't let him go for a long time, until I see Quincy in the my eyesight.

" How....h-how did this eve-"

" I knew he was coming out sometime this week. It just happened to be today. It was gonna be a surprise anyway.." he says smiling. I give him a hug also, and feel myself getting emotional all of again. I see some of the homies from Q's club come and dap them up.

Then, I see Shantell and I greet her as well. We all pose for some pictures. While doing that, I lock eyes with Anaysia. I was expecting this to last long, but all she does is wink and smile, then turns her back. I wonder what that means and what's it for. However, that's short lived as media comes my way asking questions.


I can feel the presence of the lord throughout the air and that makes me feel blessed. I stand in joy as I watch my teammates. I had one guy come up to me and ask me a question.

One guy.

I felt like I hadn't did enough throughout the season, or else press would be coming to me like crazy. That's beyond the point now. After I receive my ring and take pictures with the team, I head to the locker room.

" Yo, Jason!!!" Jace yells. He waves for me to come over to him. A bunch of media outlets are still surrounding him though.

" You see this guy? He's the real deal..he's the definition of a true teammate. When I was down, he didn't leave me hanging...I promise you we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him." Jace says to the media. The media starts to ask a bunch of questions, and Jace grins as he heads to the locker room.

Now I'm stuck with all of this.


" Do you dedicate this to anyone or something  Mr. Hightower?"

" This is all for mama dukes...."

I'm the last one in the locker room. The janitors are already starting to clean up and shit.

I got everything I've worked for. I got the ring, the net on our basket, the talk from other famous athletes, the press, NBA talking.. I got everything expect for one thing.

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