Reveal #1 ~ Sly Chat ~

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      "Bye, bye, little butterfly!"

      Chat Noir watched as Ladybug set Hawkmoth's latest akuma free.

      Turning to the rest of the group, she gestured for the three supporting heroes to follow her.  Chat knew where they were headed, but he asked anyway.

      "Where are you going?"

      Ladybug stopped in her tracks.  When she turned to him he could see the hesitation in her eyes, and he hoped beyond all possible hope that she would give him a positive answer.

      "They're about to change back," she said, gesturing to the rest of they're group.

      "Right," Chat sighed, letting the momentary hope die.  Ladybug gave him an apologetic smile before running off with the others.

      Chat Noir sighed again as he moved to sit down.  He knew the reasons for his Lady not wanting him to come, and in a ton of ways they made sense.  Nothing could help the sting of being kept in the dark, though.  They had been a team for years now, and teams weren't supposed to keep secrets.

      Suddenly, before he could change his mind, the black clad superhero shot up and sprinted across the rooftop in the direction his team had taken.

      It wasn't hard to find where the other superheroes had gone to transform.  Between his enhanced cat senses and how familiar the voices of his team were to him, he found them in an abandoned alley in no time.

      Voices came from below, cheerful and bright.  Something twisted in Chat Noir's chest, a guilt at betraying his beloved partner, and a pain that the newer superheroes didn't trust him as much as they trusted Ladybug. 

      Actually, no one trusted him as much as they trusted Ladybug, despite what she said.  And why would they?  She was the one who gave out Miraculous and purified akumas, while he was just the sidekick.

       Trying to keep the reveal somewhat involuntary, Chat decided to wait until the heroes came out of the alley, instead of looking over the edge.

       He already knew that Chloe was Queen Bee (along with the rest of Paris), so when she walked out of the alley he wasn't surprised.

      What he was surprised by, was hearing two swooshes of de-transformation below him.  So...not only did the Ladybug know the other two superheroes identities, but they did too?  There were even more secrets than he thought...

      Oblivious, friendly chatter echoed beneath him, until a beep came, followed by panicked shouting.  There was another swoosh, then silence, then much more solemn muttering.  The conversation moved so fast he couldn't pick up on anything even with his cat ears.

      Eventually goodbyes were said, and then Alya and Nino walked out of the alley.

      The shock he felt reminded him of a time when he had been hit by a bus during battle.  His best friend, and his girlfriend were the rest on the team?!  How had he not noticed that?!  He must be as oblivious as everyone thought he was...  Then the shock faded into interest.

      There were three female superheroes on the team, and two male.  Chloe took care of one female, and Nino and Chat made up the latter.  That left Alya as being either Ladybug or Rena Rouge.  Ladybug didn't really fit her, and Carapace and Rena Rouge were notorious for flirting in battle.  Rena Rouge it was.

      Then that meant...

      Ladybug was down there.  De-transformed.

      The realization was almost too much, even if it was what he came there to find out in the first place.  He had violated the rules of the team and the privacy of his teammates enough in one day, Chat decided.  He would leave now, and leave the decision to tell up to Ladybug.  Two heroes knew now, so maybe the rest, especially her partner, wouldn't be too big of a deal.

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