Platonic!Julerose #1 ~ Sleepover ~

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      Juleka quickly surveyed the boat she called home one more time.  Usually it was a wreck since no one ever had to clean up, but Rose was staying the night and Juleka wanted to make sure things looked presentable.

      "I think it looks fine," Luka commented, strumming his guitar is soft, quick patterns.

      Juleka nodded, still unsure, but she was out of time for worrying.  Up on the deck she could already hear Rose and her mothers' voices.  As they descended into the lower levels of the boat, Juleka took a deep breath to remind herself that everything was going to go perfectly fine.

      "Juleka!" Rose exclaimed as soon as she saw her friend.  She rushed over and tackled her in a hug before anyone had time to react.

      "Hi," Juleka replied simply, smiling down at the blonde.

      For a couple of hours, everything went smoothly.  The Couffaines and Rose ate dinner together, then the girls went to Juleka's room to officially start their sleepover.  They watched a movie, Rose did Juleka's hair in an elaborate updo, and Juleka painted Rose's nails black like hers.  Then, Anarka apparently decided that they had had too much time to themselves.

      "Juleka," Anarka stuck her head inside of her daughter's bunk.  "Have you seen my other sock?" She gestured to her feet.  One foot had a rainbow polka dot sock and boot, and the other was completely bare at the moment.

      "No?" Juleka replied, looking up from the magazine she and Rose were flipping through.

      "Ah, well, I'll just borrow one of yours then," the mother shrugged and let herself inside, immediately starting to go through Juleka's drawers.

      Juleka sighed and looked back down to the magazine.  This happened every time she had someone over, and she had learned the best strategy was just to ignore it until it was over.  Just then, a loud Pffffffftttt sounded throughout the room, followed my the unmistakable stench of a fart.

      Gritting her teeth, Juleka looked up to glare at her mother's back.  "Did you find one?" Juleka asked.

      "Not yet!" Anarka replied, throwing random articles of clothing behind her. 

      The raven haired teen sighed and tuned back in to Rose's commentary on some new band she had seen in the magazine.  That is, until there was another Pfffffffffffffffffttttttttttt, even louder and longer than the first.

      "Mom, could you not?" Juleka sighed.

      "Found one!" her mom held up a purple striped sock that didn't in any way, shape, or form match her other one.  "Oh, you mean find a sock?  I guess Luka would let me have one--"

      "Not that," Juleka deadpanned, knowing Anarka was well aware of what she was talking about.

      "It's just natural, dear," Anarka waved a hand dismissively as she walked towards the door.  "Everyone does it.  Thanks for the sock!"  Then, just like she had entered, the utter embarrassment of a mother let herself out.

      To Juleka's surprise, Rose started laughing as soon as she was gone.  It wasn't the laughing that surprised her, since it had been completely humiliating and probably looked funny to people who didn't have to deal with it everyday, it was the fact that the laughing wasn't mean.  Then again, this was Rose.  Nothing was ever mean with her, which was one of the reasons Juleka liked her. 

      "Your mom is so funny," Rose said between giggles.

      Juleka sighed again, but nodded with a smile.  "Whatever you think, Rose.  What did you say about that music?"

      Just like that, Rose began to talk about the band's new album again, and the incident was forgotten. 


Word count: 580


This was requested by @sigh100 , I hope I did well!  If there's anything you'd like me to change, just let me know.

If there are any other requests/prompts, they are open at all times.  However (as you may have noticed), I don't usually write girlxgirl or boyxboy so those will always be platonic.  Sorry :P

I hope y'all are staying safe with the corona virus going around, and praying all threat passes soon.

Constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged!  Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! :D <3

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