Platonic!Julerose #2 ~ Sleepover pt. 2 ~

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      "So, it was pretty much a disaster," Juleka summed up the story she'd been telling.

       Rose rolled her eyes with a giggle. "That's silly, Juleka. It wasn't a disaster! It was funny!"

      "I agree," Alya chimed in from her seat on Juleka's floor. "Every mom is embarrassing sometimes."

      "Yeah, don't worry Juleka," Marinette nodded.

      "Marinette!" Alya cried in exasperation. "That is, like, the fifth time you've messed up this braid!"

      "Sorry," Marinette said sheepishly, moving her head so Alya could start over again.

      Silence fell between the girls, then Mylene spoke up. "Hey, do you girls want to watch something?"

      "What?" Rose asked curiously.

       Mylene dug in her bag for a moment, then pulled out a DVD. "Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir!" she exclaimed, waving it around so all the girls could see it. "This is the brand new season that takes place after the movie!"

      "Ooh!" they all exclaimed together, then giggled at the synchronization.

      "It's so romantic," Rose sighed, putting her chin in her hands. "Ladybug and Chat Noir are in love and they don't even know it! I hope they get together in this season."

      "Ew, no," Marinette scrunched up her nose. "Ladybug deserves way better than Chat Noir."

      "What?!" Alix yelled in mock anger. "Chat Noir is totally the one who deserves better than Ladybug."

      A fake argument erupted between the two, with the other three friends throwing in an occasional comment or two. Eventually this turned into a pillow fight, which transformed into an all out pillow war. Marinette's hair got ruined again, but Alya didn't seem to mind  it this time.

      "When I get my hands on you--!" Alya jumped down from Juleka's bed, aiming a pillow strike at Marinette. Maybe she did mind...

      Their fun was interrupted by a knock on Juleka's door.

      "Oh, no," she whispered.

      "Juleka!" Anarka popped her head into the room. "Dear, you won't believe it. I've lost me sock again!"

      "Really?" Juleka asked, not believing a word.

      "Yes, but this time it's worse!" the mother shuffled into the room. "I've lost them both! Your brother gave me one of his," she pointed to the gray Jagged Stone sock on her left foot that was too big. "But I need one of yours too. You know I love all things weird, but a woman needs her socks!"

      "Mom--" Juleka was cut off by Alya.

      "Of course, Mrs. Couffaine," the brunette barely held in a laugh. "I don't know what I'd do without my socks."

      "Oh, none of that 'Mrs. Couffaine' nonsense," Anarka scolded. "But thank ye dear."

      For a few moments no one made a sound, all eyes on Anarka. The story Juleka had been telling them about earlier was about Rose and she's last sleepover, and the new additions were interested in seeing if history would repeat itself.

      At first it looked as though nothing would happen, then, just like last time, came a familiar Pffffttt. Juleka groaned and set her head in her hands as all of her friends stifled their giggles behind their hands.

      This time the farts were much more consistent, and came every couple of seconds. Anarka smiled wickedly as she continued to look through Juleka's socks. She had been waiting for this for weeks, not because she wanted to hurt her daughter, but because she wanted to prove that letting loose was a good thing every once in a while.

      Anarka loaded up for a fart she was sure would convince the girls off that principle. When she released it though, it seemed some...other things came with it.

      "Uh, dear, I think I found one," she squeaked, making her way quickly out of the room.

      As soon as she was gone, all of the girls cracked up and started laughing to hard their stomachs hurt. Juleka almost laughed with them because it was contagious, but her utter embarrassment was too much to bear. She sunk into a ball with a groan.

      "Aw, Juleka, it's okay!" Rose was the first to notice that the purple haired girl was upset. She bounced over and gave her friend a hug to help cheer her up.

      "Yeah, we're sorry if we hurt your feelings," Mylene added, putting her hand on Juleka's.

      "It's okay," Juleka sighed. "She's just so embarrassing..."

      "My mom once told a couple of random customers that I cut my bangs super choppy when I was little," Marinette jumped in blushing. "While I was sitting right next to her."

      "My dad is embarrassing too," Alix rolled her eyes. "He makes me crazy sometimes, but I know he doesn't try to.

      Alya grinned, "We get it girl, it's all good."

      "Thanks," Juleka genuinely smiled. She really did have some great friends.


Word count: 786


A much later in the day update than I usually have, my apologies. I have been drowning in schoolwork recently :,) Anyway, this was once again requested by @sigh100. I hope you enjoyed the sequel! (If anything felt off, I'm sorry :3)

Thank you everyone who has been commenting and voting, I see you and I appreciate you! I hope you continue to enjoy my work, and if there's ever something you think I can improve, don't hesitate to tell me! :)

Thank you for reading! Stay safe from COVID-19! <3 :D

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