Ladynoir #1 ~ Who I Really Am ~

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      Ladybug sighed as she swung across the rooftops of Paris.  Her city was really so beautiful, so full of the light and love it was famous for.  If only she could have some of that herself, for who she really was instead of a costume or croissants...

      "M'Lady!" a familiar voice scared her out of her revelry.  She almost sighed again, because the last person she wanted to see at the moment was Chat Noir.  He was great at fighting, and making jokes (not like she would tell him), but emotional problems were not his forte.  Not by a long shot.

      "Hello, Chat Noir," she smiled at him instead. 

      Somehow, maybe because she was too tired too hide it from him, he sensed her inner turmoil.  "Are you okay?" he asked, moving to sit down next to her on the building's edge.

      "Yeah!" she said.  Too fast, she criticized afterward, but maybe he would ignore it like she ignored him and turned down his romantic advances again and again.  Unfortunately not.

      "Are you sure Ladybug?" Chat asked. 

      The softness of his tone brought up all of her pent up feelings.  He wasn't trying to get her to love him, not this time.  This time he was just asking as a friend if his friend was okay.  It made her start crying.

      "Ladybug!" Chat Noir exclaimed.  "Ladybug are you okay?  I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset!"

      "It's not you," she sniffled.  "It's just...Chat no one really knows who I am.  Not even you!"

      She buried her face in her knees and wrapped her arms around them, trying to sink into her ball of sadness forever.  It really was miserable, having to hide a part of herself from everyone all the time every day.  The only person who knew her completely was her kwami, and while Tikki tried to understand, she was way older than Marinette and had seen too many Ladybugs struggle through this for it to really affect her anymore.

      Ladybug gasped when she felt an arm wrap around her, and she almost pushed it away like she had done so many times before.  But she was exhausted, mentally and physically.  So instead she pulled her partner closer, and let herself drown in misery while he rubbed her back.

      "I do know you," he whispered when she was mostly calm.

       Ladybug shook her head, pulling away and wiping away her tears.  She was a little annoyed at herself now.  What kind of a guardian was she if she couldn't make sacrifices for her city?  She should be thankful to have her Miraculous, not complaining about the burdens it came with.

     "No, really," Chat said, tilting her head so she had to look him.  "Ladybug, the mask doesn't matter.  I know who you are."

      Ladybug smiled at him, knowing he was trying his best to cheer her up.  She really was lucky to have him by her side.  She wouldn't make it without him and the light atmosphere he brought to even the darkest situations.

      "You're brave and smart," he said, still trying to convince her.  "You're strong, you really love Paris and the people in it, you take your duty as Ladybug very seriously, and,'re amazing."

      "Not really," she whispered, though her heart was lifted a bit by his kind words.  "I'm not a good Ladybug.  I can't even suck up the fact that I have to keep my identity a secret."

      She was expecting him to say something about how, in that case, they should just show their identities, but he didn't.  Instead he laughed.

      Her head whipped to him, wondering what could possibly be so funny about what she'd said.  He wasn't laughing at her, at least not in a mean way.  It was more like a 'can you believe this?' laugh.

      "Ladybug," Chat said, emerald eyes gleaming.  "You've saved this city a million times, in some of the worst circumstances ever, and you have to keep a huge secret from everyone you love.  I think your personal standards might be set a little too high.  It's okay for you to get upset sometimes.  Especially around me.  What are partners for, right?"

      Ladybug tilted her head, seeing him in a new light.  He probably struggled with exactly the same things that she did, but he was still focusing on her problems and on helping her.  Of course how much he had picked up about her was a little scary, since they weren't supposed to know anything about each other, but Ladybug was starting to think that was impossible.  And dumb.

      This time it was her who pulled him into a hug.

      "Thanks, Kitty," she whispered.  And she meant it.  Because in the end she did have someone who knew her, no matter how hard she'd tried to stop him.  Chat Noir knew her, the real her.


Word count: 812


Me writing from Ladybug's POV whaaaat?

I'm so sorry there was such a huge break!  I was suffering from extreme writer's block -_-.  On the bright side, I have tons of new inspiration from watching the second half of season three, so be prepared for more updates in the future!

Thank you so much for reading, constructive criticism is welcomed and encouraged! :D <3

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