II | Nothing More Dangerous Than A Silent Sitting Women

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In the early hours, Isabelle tossed and turned in bed. Whilst she was unable to fall asleep, the hunch she had had come rushing back to her mind. With this and her intuition, she suddenly was very certain that last night... at the most crucial moment, the person who had appeared and knocked out the crook was Alexander!

She stared at the pack of cigarettes, and her chest instantly began to heave. She subconsciously let the name slip out in a mumbled cry, "Alexander..."

Camila, who had shoved the duvet into the bin, couldn't help but furrow her brows when she heard Isabelle call his name.

For the past few months on set, she had often suddenly called his name in a daze like that.

A bitterness crept into Camila's heart as she turned her head, wanting to comfort her friend. But then, Isabelle turned her head to also look directly at her with a beaming look of surprise on her face. As she held up the pack of cigarettes Camila had accidentally dropped on the floor, she said, "Camila, Alexander, Alexander!"

When Camila heard this, she felt heartbroken. Izzy must be possessed... How could Mr. Smith transform into a pack of cigarettes?

"Camila, it was him last night! It was Alexander last night!" As Isabelle spoke, tears started to fall, but at the same time, she wore a dazzlingly bright smile on her face. She looked as though she had encountered something amazing.

With tear pearls falling down her face, she rushed over and enthusiastically hugged Camila. She cried and laughed as she said incoherently, "Camila, Alexander was by my side. The person who came to save me last night was Alexander! He was by my side!"

When Isabelle had finished speaking, she removed her hands that hugged Camila's neck, and grabbed her arm with a child like excitement. She endlessly rocked it around and said, "Camila, I'm telling you! Alexander always smoked this brand of cigarettes! It must be him, there's no way I'm wrong!"

With that, Isabelle tightly hugged Camila a gain. Her tears fell down like a string of pearls cut off, pearl by pearl. "Sure enough, he still cares about me! I knew it! He loves me so much, how could he bear to leave me on my own?

"Camila, I'm so happy! I've waited for him for so long. I finally met him...

"But he doesn't want to see me. He was clearly hiding from me last night! Or else why would he run out in a panic after saving me!

"Camila, help me think! How can I trick him into coming out!"

As though Isabelle had suddenly thought of a serious matter, she pulled her arms away from Camila and stared at the pack of cigarettes. She tilted her head, an insuppressible smile in the corner of her lips. Then, she eagerly chattered on, "What do you think about me pretending to be sick? But if it's not serious, what do I do if he doesn't come out? That's no good..."

Isabelle shook her head, then suddenly an idea flashed in her mind. She turned her head, and with glistening eyes, she stared at Camila. "How about we plan a car accident?"

"Camila, I've decided! Crash your car into mine, but you have to act convincingly. Alexander will definitely run out to save me, and then, I can grab him and never let go..."

With a single pack of cigarettes, how could she be sure that Mr. Smith had been the one there?

Camila looked at how enthusiastic Isabelle was, and didn't say a word in the end, because she couldn't bear to trigger her. Even though these days she didn't look any different from before, filming and having meals as she was supposed to, Camila knew something was off.

After being friends with her for so many years, she could tell that Isabelle was unhappy every single day. So much so that she would wake up in the middle of the night and hear her secretly crying in bed on her own.

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