XII | They fell in love many times, but always with the same person.

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"Let's get married. "

If he needed a reason to believe that she loved him, she concluded that getting married was the best way to convince him.

"You once said that if no one wanted me, you would marry me. You can marry me now, and I'll give you the rest of my life, do you think this is enough?"

Alexander froze, his face impassive when he glanced at her.

After a long period of silence, he still didn't react, and uneasiness settled in Isabelle's heart. Did he think that this reason wasn't enough? Or was he not willing to be with her?

After about half a minute, since Alexander was still motionless, her eyes started to turn red again. Anxiously, she added, "Alexander, if you don't think its enough, I can add one more. There's a child in my tummy now, you won't abandon the child, right?"

Alexander couldn't process the "let's get married" part when he heard her continue. His lips trembled, and his expression turned indulgent.

"Alexander, we can't let the baby be born without a father, right?"

"Izzy..." he interrupted her continuous persuasion.

Isabelle finally shut her mouth, turning to look at him with anxiousness. "Yea?"

"What did you say just now?"


"No, the previous line."

"Rest of my life..."

"Before that."

"If no one wants me..."

"No, the one even before that."

Isabelle frowned. She tilted her head to think for a while. "Let's get married?" She then added, "Is it this line?"

Alexander suddenly raised his hand to push a fallen out strand of hair behind her ear before replying warmly and resolutely, "Yes."

She froze.

Alexander lightly caressed her ear. "That's the reason I want, let's get married."

After a moment hesitation's, he seemed to have made up his mind. He lowered his hands to hold hers. "Let's go back to get married now."

Alexander pulled her towards a cab stand outside the airport and hailed for a cab to return to the hotel. Once he was back in his room, he hurriedly stuffed his belongings into his luggage and called on his phone to book air tickets. He then pulled her down to check out and brought her back to the airport.

He had booked the same flight as that of Isabelle. When they finally reached the airport again, it was less than half an hour before the plane took off. They hurriedly passed through all the gates, heading straight toward the plane.

The doors to the airplane shut the instant they sat down, and the safety instructions started to play.

After crying and throwing a tantrum for such a long time, Isabelle was exhausted. The moment the plane took off, she fell asleep.

The temperature in the plane was starting to decrease, so Alexander requested for a blanket to cover her. Just then he saw her tear-stained face.

He stared for a few seconds before pulling out a wet tissue to tenderly wipe her face. When he was done, he stared at her sleeping form for a long while before finally turning to look out the window.

Let's get married.

He couldn't help but admit that he was completely and entirely shaken when she said those three words.

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