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Isabelle finished dancing the drum dance in one breath.

She danced so energetically just now, she stood in front of the mirror drenched in sweat. Hastily fanning herself with her hand, she gulped some water and grabbed her phone. She randomly glanced through Wechat, and exchanged a few words with Camila before continuing with the dance again.

Just as she reached the most spectacular part and the very peak of the routine, she suddenly stopped, clutching her stomach, and crouched on the ground.

Why did her stomach suddenly hurt...

Isabelle creased her brows tightly, and after thirty seconds, she still felt the pain. She instinctively wanted to scream at the top of her lungs to call Alexander over from the study room next door, when suddenly, the very moment she opened her mouth, the pain was gone. The pain that had emerged so abruptly just disappeared.

Isabelle pouted, and slowly got up. Pressing her stomach, she didn't feel any pain at all. It was as though it was all an illusion just now.

She made another turn on the spot. Her stomach still felt normal, so she stamped her feet and held a crab move, followed by a backflip... there were still no problems, but Isabelle couldn't quite say why she felt so flustered.

Since she felt uneasy, she couldn't dance well. After working hard for a few days, it was fine to have the night off. She simply shut the music off, headed straight for the bathroom and took a shower, then climbed into bed. She drilled her way under the covers and grabbed her phone to find a missed call.

Isabelle recognized the phone number, it was from the company she had especially asked to make her costume for the drum dance. Seeing as she missed the call, they sent her a text message to say that her costume was ready and asked her if she was free tomorrow so they could send someone to deliver it to her.

Isabelle casually sent a text back with a single word "Yes". Soon after, she received their reply. [Ok. It will be delivered to you at around one o'clock tomorrow afternoon.]

This time Isabelle didn't reply. Instinctively, she wanted to click on Facebook, but then she figured that there'd only be upsetting things on there, so she chucked her phone aside. She turned on the TV and randomly found a variety show . As she watched on, eventually the show put her to sleep.


Alexander was busy until nine o'clock, when he shut his laptop and stretched out his body. He stood up and walked out of the study room to find that the corridor was particularly quiet. There wasn't the sound of the same folk music he'd heard for these past two days, so he pushed open the door to the dance studio in curiosity. It was empty. Isabelle had long disappeared.

For the past two nights, he couldn't get her to go to bed. Every time he would have to forcefully carry her out. How come today she stopped dancing before it got to nine o'clock?

When Alexander pushed open the door to the bedroom, he heard the sound of laughter from the TV. He instinctively turned his head, assuming he'd find a little face enthusiastically watching the screen, but who would have thought that he'd see the tilted, sleeping face on the pillow.

She must've tired herself out dancing these past few days to actually sleep so earlier...

Alexander walked over to the bedside, feeling helpless yet wanting to spoil her. He grabbed the pillow from behind Isabelle and placed it under her head, then pulled the covers over her. He shut the TV and turned the lights off, then stood by the bed staring at her sleeping face for a while. He lowered his head to plant a kiss between her brows, then walked into the bathroom.

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