XVI | If she's your woman, stand up for her.

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Alexander first pushed Isabelle back into her make up chair, and then looked over at several multicolored bottles placed to one side. He was very familiar with those bottles, because every time he opened the fridge in York Garden, he'd find those same bottles lined up row by row.

She must of personally grabbed a few of them to drink on set, and so Alexander casually grabbed for a pink bottle. He removed the lid and placed it in front of Isabelle to signal for her to first take a sip of fruit juice. He then reached over to the table and grabbed a script, "Is this the amended script?"

"No, it's this one." Camila hastily brought over the other script, and swapped it with the one in Alexander's hands.

When Camila said this, Alexander was a little annoyed, but because he didn't know how the script was changed, he maintained his composure.

When he was filming, he would often memorize the script which resulted in him learning to go through a script really quickly. He practically flipped through a page, then another soon after.

As he went through the script page by page, his face grew increasingly more arctic.

Usually, Alexander barely wore any emotions on his face, which would stress people out very much. Right then, the atmosphere in the make up room started growing more tense due to the change of his expression. Practically no one dared to take a deep breath, besides Isabelle of course, who sat cool and collected by Alexander's side. She bit her straw and drank her juice every now and then, making sucking noises at times.

Suddenly, Alexander slammed the script shut, and let out a dull sound, which made Isabelle feel a little curious, and she lifted her head up from the straw. But before she could take a clear look at what happened to Alexander, the abrupt sound of the man's arrogantly cold voice was heard. "Now, in the next scene to be shot, she has to..."

While saying that Alexander first pointed at Annabelle, then raised his hand to pat Isabelle's head, which was at hip height whilst she was sitting. "Hit her?"

In the make up room, no one dared to speak.

Alexander was clearly there to help Camila and Isabelle put up a front. Yet, when Camila saw Alexander's stance, she was still a little afraid, though she tried to stay calm, hastily nodding at him. "Yes."


Suddenly, Alexander let out a cold laugh, and gave a sharp glare to everyone in the room. He ruthlessly smashed the script onto he table with a "Pa!", scaring quite a few people in the make up room to shivers. Then he said in an emotionless voice, "All right. Then start shooting. I want to see who dares to hurt a single hair of Isabelle's under my watch!"

In that moment, not just Camila, but even Isabelle was so frightened by Alexander's brimming anger that she bit her straw, not daring to drink her juice. She didn't even dare look at his face, just to silently sneak a glance from the corner of her eyes.

The director was so frightened by Alexander's stance, his legs were a little numb. In that moment, he couldn't care less about Annabelle and the investment she brought to their crew. All he wanted to do was not get dragged down by Alexander's anger. His voice trembled when he said, "No... No... Mr. Smith, this isn't the next scene to be shot. That script... script, was just something we made to joke with Miss Davis... we're going with the earlier script..."


This joke was such a joke in itself. He already made her so upset, and yet he said he was just joking with her?

Alexander suddenly grabbed the two scripts from the table and thrust them towards the director, smacking him directly on the head. "Who gave you the power to randomly joke around with her?"

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