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Helen Miller...

Those familiar two words that were engraved deeply into James's heart.

He tightened his grip on the tile visibly, then lowered his eyes to stare at it motionlessly.

"From what I know, when Helen left the industry, she had several contracts on hand. She willingly breached all of them, paying up to six billion... As a star, she was indeed at the top, but after struggling for so many years, she probably spent it all. The Helen now probably doesn't have much left so her pay would surely be lower than the crazily steep one from three years ago."

Mr. Jones took a breath and continued, "Besides, three years ago, she left the industry without a word, even till today, many are still curious about what happened. If you succeed in getting her to endorse your brand, it'll definitely be a hit!"

James clenched the tile in his fist, the faint smile on his face vanishing.

All these years, he had heard about her, but it wasn't much and every single time, it would be about the funds she had to pay for breaching her contracts.

They weren't wrong, after struggling for three years, Helen wouldn't have much in her hands. Whenever he thought about her in the middle of the night, he would subconsciously wonder about her life now that she didn't have much money... After all, she had been living quite pampered before.

"This is indeed an excellent suggestion!" Mr. Rodriguez exclaimed excitedly, but quickly, it was replaced by disappointment. "But Helen hasn't been on the radar for such a long time, where am I going to find her?"

Mr. Jones was in a hurry to respond, instead, he tapped James's elbow. "Mr. Williams, why are you in a daze? It's your turn."

James nodded, keeping his gaze on the tiles. He randomly tossed one before listening to Mr. Jones's next words. "From what I heard, Helen came back last month."

James felt as though something smashed hard into his heart, sending pulses of pain through him.

All these years, he hadn't gone to find her and she hadn't came back to find him, just like that, they cut off all contact.

But every time someone mentioned her name, he would subconsciously take note.

All these years, he had heard many things about her, there was even a rumor about her getting married in Los Angeles. She married a divorced man with two children, the older one eight years old while the younger was three.

As for the accuracy, he wasn't sure and never did dared to verify.

He knew that he was afraid, afraid that the rumors were true...

Mr. Rodriguez and Mr. Jones continued to discuss the endorsement model, occasionally mentioning Helen. But James no longer listened to their conversation, only when Mr. Rodriguez asked him about his views on getting Helen did he snap back from his daze. After a long moment of silence, he replied, "Anyone is fine." Right after, he used a random excuse to leave.

It was currently summer. The afternoon sun blazed, sending unbearable heat waves through the air. James was dressed in leather, so the moment he left the air-conditioned hotel, he started to sweat.

But he continued to stand under the scorching sun, smoking, as though he couldn't feel the heat, only when he choked on the smoke did he snap out of his daze, heading for the car park.

James drove aimlessly, and in the end, he only took note of where he was when he once again reached Ceberos apartment building.

He was here once again.

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