VI | and suddenly, all the love songs were about you...

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"Alexander, is that you?"

Before Alexander's thoughts had settled, he heard the sound of Isabelle behind him again. His whole body trembled for a moment, but he didn't have any intention of turning his head.

He could clearly feel that there was someone drawing closer to him from behind. His mind struggled for a long while, but in the end, he couldn't wipe away the memory of the light aroma.

Alexander's hands subconsciously balled up into fists, and his body tensed up.

"Alexander, where have you been all this time?"

When Isabelle asked that question, she reached her arm out to pull on Alexander's arm, but the moment her fingertips touched his coat, it was as if he was electrocuted. His reaction was overly dramatic; he avoided her arm with a swift turn away.

Isabelle's fingertips felt nothing but air. A little bewildered, she lifted her head and stared at the man's side profile. Though he was still as stunningly handsome as before, he appeared to be skinnier, and his cold gaze looked soulless.

In the past, when Isabelle saw Alexander like this, she'd feel timid. Even now, she was still a little scared. With a gulp, she secretly summoned her courage to reach her arm out again. However, this time, she didn't even touch his clothes. Then, without even looking at her, he casually took a step and strode quickly away from her sight.

Isabelle had never expected that Alexander would stay mad at her for such a long time, but she was determined to apologize and explain herself when she met him.

Never had she foreseen though that the next time they met, he would disregard her, treating her as though she was a stranger. He didn't even bother to glance at her...

After he had left coldly, Isabelle stood in front of his mother's grave for exactly a minute before regaining her senses, running after him.

She was in heels which hindered her speed, and the cemetery was situated on a hill with a long stretch of stairs down to the first floor. By the time she was halfway down, he was already a distance away, and regardless of how fast she went, she wasn't able to reduce the distance.

But she wasn't about to give up, especially not after waiting for such a long time!

Isabelle bit her lip, as though she had just made a decision, and removed her heels, picked them up, and ran down the cold frosted stairs with only a pair of socks.

Alexander was walking at a fast pace. Isabelle continued to run down without giving herself any time to rest, but despite that, his silhouette gradually disappeared into the distance. Full of anxiety, she ignored the pain in her feet and increased her speed.

There were tiny gravels all over the stairs, and in her hurry, she stepped right on a big one. "Ah!" she groaned in pain, but clenching her teeth, she continued to run forward, ignoring the pain. When she reached the bottom, she couldn't see him anywhere and despair started to sink in. She knew that he would definitely be at the foot of the hill to get his car, so she continued to move forward stubbornly, refusing to give up.

When she was finally at the foot of the hill, she was already panting heavily, her whole body soaked in sweat. She threw her heels to the ground and was preparing to put them on when she suddenly spotted the headlights of a car. Lifting her head upwards abruptly, she saw his car and a faint smile touched her lips.

He was so far ahead but he hadn't driven away yet? Was he worried about her?

She was indeed still in his heart!

Isabelle abandoned her half-worn heels, running towards Alexander's car.

When she was about five meters from his car, he suddenly slammed onto the accelerator, speeding out the cemetery entrance.

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