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Because of James's sudden entrance, the competition was interrupted and the atmosphere was off-beat. The presenter deliberately begun a five minute commercial break for everyone to settle down.

The show was live, and so a video of James's appearance was immediately cut, posted online, and made the headlines.

Those people online who hated Isabelle to the bone turned their hateful messages elsewhere. However, there were still a few people who continued to curse her for having someone to back her through the competition. Yet most people came out to express their utter shock at the truth, and quite a few of those who scolded her in the past posted apologies on her Facebook.


Five minutes flew by.

At the center of the stage, the presenter said a few words from the show's sponsors, then gave a warm welcome to the final contestant.


"Mr. Smith, Miss Davis is about to get up on stage. Should I give you one?"

Alexander didn't know when, but the assistant beside him had managed to get his hands on two glow sticks. He brought a pink one up in front of Alexander.

'Immature!' cursed Alexander inside. Without taking the glow stick, he stared directly at the entrance of the stage.

'Whatever!' replied the assistant inside. He waved the glowsticks with one hand, and cried, "Miss Davis, Good luck!"

When the music started to play, the revolving doors slowly turned around. After having to wait all night for her turn to be the main lead, there she was.

The seven contestants before her all had impressive outfits. Isabelle was the only one who wore a simple, long, pink, and knitted dress. Her long hair gently draped behind her face. On screen, you practically couldn't tell that she had put on a natural look with make up.

Wasn't she going to perform the drum dance? Why wasn't she wearing her costume? Or her makeup? Could it be that she was going to dance like that?

Alexander furrowed his brows, then he heard the presenter ask, "Isabelle, your last two performances were spectacular, what will you perform for us this time?"

"Well, actually, I originally prepared something special for everyone, but because of a few reasons, I changed it the last minute." Up on the stage, Isabelle looked slim and elegant.

Changed the last minute? Was it because of Annabelle? Alexander suddenly froze.

The presenter asked, "What has Isabelle changed her performance to in the last minute?"

She looked into a camera. "A story."

"A story?" the presenter put on a face as though he was really interested. "Alright, then the stage is yours. We're all looking forward to hearing your story."

Isabelle was the only person left on stage. She stood there in silence for ten seconds before raising the microphone and saying the lines she memorized backstage. "He said he waited for me for thirteen years. Thirteen years. It's easy to say those two words, but behind those words are almost five thousand long nights. But he has no idea that the most memorable of those nights was the night he waited for me for sixteen hours. That night, we made plans to have dinner together, but I stood him up. It was raining that night, but he still stubbornly wouldn't leave. He sent me a lot of texts to reiterate that he was still waiting for me there, and he wouldn't leave."

When Alexander heard this, his expression instantly stopped still. He stared straight at Isabelle on the stage.

The assistant whispered into his ear, "Mr. Smith, it seems like Miss Davis is talking about you."

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