IX | Have you ever tried to pay bills with hugs? No? She can.

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Isabelle had slept on the plane, but she was still sleepy from the poor-quality rest. After taking a bath, she laid down on the bed, her mind filled with the conversation with Alexander.

He seemed to be determined, as though he really didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

When it was just the two of them, it wasn't impossible to get close to him. Was Camila's solution the only way?

Isabelle climbed out of the bed and walked towards the pill box that Camila had stuffed into her hands. She stared at it for a moment more before making up her mind.

Regardless, she would definitely find an opportunity to 'sleep' with him.

Just as what Camila had said, even if he didn't forgive her afterwards, she could still use the baby as a weapon.

After making the decision, she didn't sleep the entire night, leaning against the door while waiting for any movement in the opposite room.

Alexander was probably getting rid of his jet lag, for he stayed inside the entire morning, but at 1 pm, a waiter entered his room with food.

When he left the room, it was 5 pm. He was in a fresh suit and looked dashing as usual. Before he left, he glanced over at her door, seemingly noticing her spying.

Isabelle hurriedly ran back to her room to grab her wallet, her phone, and the pill box before leaving as well.

She slammed the door on her way out, attracting Alexander's, who glanced over, attention.

As she thought about her scheme, she lowered her head guiltily.

On the way down from the top floor, Alexander and Isabelle didn't make any contact. Isabelle secretly glanced over at him a few times, but he still had that look on his face as though she didn't exist.

When the elevator doors opened on the first floor, Alexander's phone rang. He accepted the call. Isabelle, who stood behind him, heard him say, "I'll be right out."

Isabelle then trailed behind him out of the hotel. He held his phone up and scanned the area around him. When he noticed a beautiful blonde woman standing in front of a red Ferrari, he hung up and strode up to her.

The woman seemed really happy to see Alexander. So much so, she rushed over and gave him a hug. The two of them stood by the side of the road, whispering about something, then got into the car.

Isabelle's mind didn't quite register what had happened until the car slowly drove away. She blinked, snapping suddenly back to her senses. She then hastily ran over to an empty taxi by the roadside. She pulled open the door, and told the driver to follow Alexander's car.

Eventually, the red Ferrari stopped in front of a restaurant. Alexander and that blonde woman stepped out of the car and walked inside. Isabelle paid the taxi fare and followed them in. By then, the two of them were already sitting at a table by the window.

The woman was holding the menu, telling her order to a waitress. It looked like she was asking Alexander for his thoughts. She even said a few words to him with a bright smile. Alexander calmly gave a nod and inadvertently turned his head to see that Isabelle had walked into the restaurant. It was just a quick glance, and he pulled his eyes away from her.

Isabelle found a spot to sit that was near Alexander and the woman. Despite having not eaten all day, she wasn't hungry, yet she ordered a steak meal anyway.

Alexander and the blonde woman sat opposite each other. Isabelle didn't know what they were chatting so cheerfully about, but every now and then, the blonde woman would let out a candid laugh.

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