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Since Eliana was being protected by James, everyone else tried their best to get Helen, who was pretty, to drink.

No matter how well she could take her alcohol, after downing one glass after another, she couldn't stomach it. It was quite obvious, for she was a little sluggish when she downed her next drink.

James looked calm and serene, yet his hand silently gripped his chopsticks tighter.

That woman... was about to finish a liter of wine... Ever since he sat down, she hadn't eaten a thing. Did she want to die?

All of a sudden, Helen couldn't take it anymore, so she jumped up and left the room.

James, who appeared calm throughout, pursed his lips, like he was struggling with something. Eventually, he put his chopsticks down on the table, and walked out of the room with "Off for a smoke".

He hastily walked over to the restroom. Without even entering, he heard the sound of Helen vomiting.

James footsteps paused for a moment. Then he turned to leave.


Helen vomited until there was nothing left in her stomach, then she rinsed her mouth. Just when she was about to wash her face with some water, a bottle of sour milk with a straw suddenly appeared in front of her.

She was stunned for a moment, then slowly looked up at the mirror in front of her to see James standing behind her, on her right.

His lips twitched, but he just lowered his head and didn't say a word. She washed her face, turned the tap off, and pulled a tissue from beside her. She wiped her face dry, then threw the tissue into the bin. Without even glancing at the sour milk on the sink, she turned right around, like James didn't exist at all, and brushed past him.

Perhaps it was because she had too much to drink, her legs wobbled as she walked. James couldn't help but reach his arm out to hold her steady.

Helen's body trembled slightly, then she struggled to pull her arm away from his grasp. She stumbled, then continued on her way out.

Just when she was about to leave the restroom, her phone suddenly rang.

She leaned against the wall to steady herself, and pulled out her phone from her back with trembling fingers, and took the call.

He wasn't sure what was said on the phone, but her face suddenly dropped. The next second, she blurted, "I'm be there."

Then she frantically shoved her phone back into her pocket, and staggered over to the elevators.

James furrowed his brows, and without thinking, he caught up with her. "What happened?"

Helen ignored what he said and tried her hardest to push the elevator button. As soon as the elevator doors opened, she rushed in.

She rushed in so quickly, she almost crashed into the wall. Luckily, James had quick reflexes, so he pulled her back. "What in the hell happened?"

The color had drained from her face. As though she hadn't heard what he said, she stared straight at the red numbers in the elevator, until she first floor, then dashed out.

Once Helen left the restaurant, she walked to the side of the road and tried to hail a taxi.

James continued to ask her her two more times, but seeing as she didn't reply and was too drunk, he eventually dragged her by force to the car park beside them. "I'll take you."

"No, I'll get a taxi..." Before Helen could reject him, she suddenly bent over and gagged.

James waited to one side for her to finish. Then, without saying a word, he lifted her up and strode over to his car.

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