XVIII | Throwing Away a Diamond, and Picking Up a Rock

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After dinner, Alexander called the waiter for the bill, but he then suddenly looked like he had remembered something. He reached his hand out towards Isabelle. "Mobile phone."

She blinked in confusion at first, but then slowly came to a realization. She hastily pulled out her phone from her bag and handed it to Alexander.

He took it, and after his fingers flew across the screen, he gave it back to Isabelle. "If something comes up, call this number."

Isabelle responded with an "oh". When she picked up her phone, she saw that it was an American number. She furrowed her brows, then raised her head and asked, "You're back now, are you not going to change your number to a domestic one?"

The waiter, who Alexander had called over, brought a card machine over to him. He picked the pen to sign as he replied, "After a while, I'll get a new number. When I do, I'll let you know."

"Why do you need a brand new number?" asked Isabelle confused. "Was the last one not good? Couldn't you have bought a new sim and asked for your old number?"

The previous mobile number... When Alexander heard those words, he clearly stopped signing his name for a moment. His expression then ran cold, but only for a split second. He snapped back to his senses and continued to sign, but his writing wasn't as fluid as before.

After he handed the waiter back his pen, he grabbed for his jacket that hung on the side and said in a flat tone, "Let's go." He turned around and walked out of the room.

Why did Alexander suddenly look a little unhappy, Isabelle wondered. She hadn't said anything wrong...

Isabelle sat in her seat alone, full of bewilderment for a time. Only then she picked up her bag and walked out of the room.

When she walked out of the restaurant, Alexander had already started the car up and was waiting by the entrance for her. His facial expression looked normal, just as it was during dinner. It was so normal in fact that when she got into the car, he personally fastened her seat belt. It was as though the flash of annoyance in the restaurant had been all just in her head.

It was late when they got back to York Garden. As usual, Isabelle got a shower first, then left the water on and called Alexander's name.

In bed, Alexander hugged Isabelle, but didn't do much else.

Isabelle purposefully wriggled in his arms, but eventually he only just kissed her lips while locking her down so she couldn't move.

She didn't know how long had passed, but the skies outside had already darkened and everything was silent. Just as she had shut her eyes, about to drift off to sleep, she suddenly felt Alexander gently slipping away from her.

In that split second, she instantly wasn't sleepy anymore. With her eyes still shut, she motionlessly pretended to be deep asleep.

She clearly heard Alexander quietly crawl out of bed, then walk towards the changing rooms. Next came the sound of ruffling clothes.

Why was Alexander getting dressed?

Isabelle furrowed her brows when she heard Alexander come out from the changing room, and then shut the bedroom door on his way out.

The room fell silent once again, and her eyes were filled with suspicion when she opened them. She soon heard the door open downstairs and her brows furrowed even tighter. She instinctively threw the covers off of herself, jumped out of bed, and ran towards the balcony. From there, she saw Alexander get into his car. The car lights lit up. He slowly turned the car around and drove out the courtyard.

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