XXV | you are my 1 am thoughts...

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On the way to her car from the public phone, Isabelle received a call from Alexander.

Before his plane took off, he informed her about the emergency meeting he was going to have the moment he reached America, hence he didn't have time to call her. The flight was about fifteen hours and if she were to calculate, he should be done with his meeting by now or be having a break in the midst of it.

Not entering the car, she found a bench beside the mall. Above her was a street lamp spilling a warm glow over her.

Due to the late hour, there weren't many people in the mall, other than the occasional car driving past, the surroundings seemed too quiet.

Alexander sent a video call request, and after she agreed, the screen went into darkness for about ten seconds before his face popped up.

From his back view, he was probably in a hotel room. He had a bathrobe on and his hair was half wet from a shower.


"Yea," Isabelle replied, before she could say another word, she saw the image of him on the screen frown deeply. "You're outside?"

Lifting his head to look into his wrist watch, he said, "It's 11 pm there, why aren't you home? Are you alone outside? It's not safe."

When he glanced at the time, the black strapped watch appeared in the corner of the screen. Isabelle tightened her grip on the phone, her gaze fixed on the watch.

Behind it, was there an ugly yet heartbreaking scar?

After talking for a long while, Alexander realized that Isabelle hadn't moved. Through the screen, he could see her gaze fixed on a corner. "Izzy? What's wrong? What happened?"

Isabelle shook her head, getting back to her senses. Staring into the camera, she smiled tenderly before replying with a soft voice, "Nope."

She then changed the topic swiftly. "You're done with work?"

"Err... After about twelve hours of meeting, I just reached the hotel. I have another meeting at 3 pm this afternoon." Alexander gave a detailed report of his schedule after her single question.

Alexander had been working for such a long time and hadn't even had time to rest... He was even due for a meeting at 3 pm... "Oh..." Isabelle started to worry. "Why aren't you resting?"

"In a while," Alexander replied warmly. He looked at the empty streets behind her before and asked, "Are you upset? Why are you alone out on the streets?"

"No." Isabelle shook her head, she tilted her phone downwards to show her evening gown. "I just attended a ball."

Isabelle wore an evening gown with a low neckline and had a coat over her shoulders. When she tilted the phone down, a large portion of her flawless white skin came into sight. Half of her chest was now visible.

Alexander turned his head away, but his voice was still laced with a faint hoarseness when he spoke. "It's cold outside, hurry into the car, you're going to get a cold."

"A while more..."

Alexander turned back to the screen and saw the phone still directed at her chest. His throat tightened, taking a difficult gulp, he struggled to force out his word. "Be good."

Why did he seem like he was coaxing a child... She wasn't a child...

Isabelle pouted, but deep inside, her heart melted. Even though she had wanted to stay a little longer, her body stood up instinctively and headed for the car obediently.

While she drove, Alexander changed the call into a voice call. He was afraid that a video call might get her into an accident.

He didn't want to cause a distraction so he remained silent for the entire journey back.

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