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"Izzy!" In an instant, Alexander, who had been watching her actions with merriment, seemed to have been left in shock. Without hesitation, he grabbed her elbow, pulling her towards him. "Spit them out!"

Isabelle started to stuff the pieces into her mouth more aggressively, her throat moving up and down as though she was about to swallow the pieces. In anxiety, Alexander didn't bother thinking. With one hand, he held onto her jaw to lift her face and with the other, he reached into her mouth to pull the pieces out.

After removing a large bunch, he reached into her mouth once more to ensure that there wasn't anything left. At that moment, she bit onto his finger roughly.

Isabelle used all her strength, and a sharp stinging pain pulsed through Alexander's finger to the rest of his body.

He frowned, and was just about to pull his finger out, when suddenly he felt a droplet smash onto the back of his hand. He relaxed his finger instantly, sitting there motionlessly, allowing her to bite for as long as she wanted.

When the coppery taste entered Isabelle's mouth, she finally let go. Exhausted, she knelt on the bed biting down on her lip in silence. After a moment, she raised her head,. Her tear stained face scrunched up when she asked softly, "Alexander, you said that you won't divorce me after we got married, and I already tore the marriage certificate, we can't divorce now, right?"

Alexander was no longer amused by her anxiety, the happiness in his heart having thoroughly faded. An wave of heartache that he could not explain drowned his entire soul, and he stared at her tear stained face for a long while before reaching out to pull her into his embrace. "No divorce, we will never divorce."

"Really?" Isabelle turned to ask with glistening eyes, desperately seeking the confirmation.

"Really," Alexander said, hugging her tighter.

Alexander's hug and simple assurance seemed to finally lift the shadow in Isabelle's heart, she slouched onto his shoulder limply, finally breaking down.

His throat tightened, and he didn't comfort her, allowing her to vent her frustration. After she was done, he carried her to the vanity table. There, he lifted her face, lightly, and used his fingers to wipe her tears.

"Izzy, Lucy is a wife of an American director who's my friend, it's not what you think it is. Besides, her husband was in the hotel room as well, he just wet to sleep earlier today."

Isabelle blinked her soaked lashes. "Her husband was in the room?"

Alexander nodded, reaching with a hand to caress her hair. "If you don't believe me, I can bring you over now."

Isabelle thought of how she was upset over a misunderstanding... The woman was married and her husband was in the room... And she had ran over to say such hurtful things... Embarrassment engulfed her, she was not going to go back!

Hurriedly, Isabelle shook her head. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was for a private matter that has passed." Alexander closed the topic easily, as though not willing to share, before asking, "Izzy, is the marriage certificate tasty?"

When the images of her before started to resurface, she puffed up her cheeks, and just then, she realized that there were still remnants of the pieces in her mouth. She blinked several times before gesturing towards him. "I'll tell you if you come over."

Alexander reached his head over.

Isabelle lifted her head and covered his lips.

Alexander froze, then the next second, Isabelle's lips left. There seemed to be something new in his mouth..

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