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After Alexander finished, he hugged Isabelle tightly, lowered his head, and stared into her eyes without so much as a blink. An incomparable solemn glow emulated from within his eyes when he spoke in a deep voice. 

"Izzy, don't worry about what outsiders say. You dragged me down, you're not worthy of me... those are just things said by unknown voices.

"There are thousands of women out there in the world that are prettier than you, smarter than you, and more outstanding than you, but you have to understand that, I Alexander never wanted the world's best. I wanted the the best one in my heart.

"And that one will only be you, can only be you.

"That has never changed, and it will never do so in the future.

"So don't think too much and don't be too upset. I promise you, I will think of a way to calm the situation down and get us out of it. I will definitely think of a way."

After Alexander said that, Isabelle blinked and let a single tear quietly fall.

At that instant, she felt like the opinions and abuse from the outside world had become insignificant.

Even if her name was run through the mud, and scolded by others... so what?

She had Alexander who deeply loved her, Alexander who every woman in the world may try their hardest to meet but may never encounter.

Alexander, who even if the world cast her aside, would treat her as treasure in his hands.

It was enough... She was content.

Her life was already full. Even if there were a few obstacles now, and even if there were a few pitfalls in the future, what did it matter?

Isabelle was so moved, she didn't know how to express her emotions. In the end, she immediately hugged his neck, lifted her head, and spontaneously kissed his lips.

Her spontaneity and passion made Alexander's body tremble slightly. Then, he pulled her head into his, kissing her deeper.

Obviously, they just had sex and obviously they were both exhausted, yet they wanted to use the most basic way to express their inner thoughts.

The room was very quiet. The only sound was that of their intimacy.

Alexander flipped around, hugging Isabelle to his body, then changed positions. Just as they were about to finish, he swapped them so he was on top and she on the bottom. Then, with all the strength in his body, he rode her to the clouds above.

A long while after they finished, Alexander was still affectionately stuck to Isabelle's body, unwilling to leave her. Her eyes were shut, and her body was outstretched, too exhausted to move an inch.

From time to time, Alexander would kiss her brow, her neck, her earlobe... Eventually, he drew closer to her ear and whispered, "Izzy, I love you."

His words made Isabelle's feet curl. Her body slumped into his arms in exhaustion and she muttered, "I love you too."

The very instant she said this, Alexander hastily covered her lips.


With an entire afternoon of stress and a further night of exercise, Isabelle's body was so exhausted, it didn't take long for her to use Alexander's arm as a pillow and fall deep asleep.

Tonight's sex really tired out Alexander as well, but he wasn't really sleepy. He waited until her breathing became soft and long, before he opened his eyes and looked up at the ceiling. He quietly pulled out his arm from under her head, then tiptoed out of bed. He grabbed his phone and walked out of the bedroom.

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