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When James returned to his villa, he didn't even enter the house. Instead, he got straight into the car, started the engine up, and left.

There were quite a few cars on the road, so his car stopped frequently en route. In the end, he turned into the neighbourhood of the Williams family estate.

Just as he turned into the road of his house, James saw the housekeeper in the courtyard sending a person out. He didn't know what they were saying, but in the end, he saw the housekeeper hand that person an envelope. As he was quite a distance away, James couldn't quite make out what it was.

But whatever it was, that person seemed delighted. He wasn't sure what he said to the housekeeper, but the man then walked in the direction of this car when finished. The housekeeper stood at the gate for a while before heading back into the courtyard.

James instinctively slowed the car down, paying close attention to the person with the envelope. The person looked quite familiar to him, as if he he'd seen him somewhere before, but he couldn't quite remember.

The person walked up to a tree by the road, and stopped under it with his back against the road. He opened the envelope.

James was slightly closer to the stranger now, and he clearly saw him take out a thick wad of cash and swiftly count the notes.

What did this person do? Why did the housekeeper give him so much money?

With a heart filled with suspicion, James parked the car and stared at the person counting cash for a while. The longer he stared, the more certain he was that he'd seen him before. After thinking back carefully about it for a long while, he thought back to the delivery man he'd seen just then at Alexander's villa.

James furrowed his brows in sudden realization... He was the guy dressed as the delivery man!

In that instant, James pushed open the car door in a rage and rushed over to him. "Why did she give you money?"

The person sheepishly counting his money jumped in shock from James's sudden move. When he heard what was said, he realized that the person before him was no other than the young master Williams.

James's patience was extremely awful. Seeing the man take so long to speak up, he suddenly snatched the envelope from his hands, took out a lighter and aimed it at the thick wad of cash. "You going to talk? If you don't talk, believe me I'll take all this money now and burn it for you!"

"Young master Williams, she called me over to fix something in the house..."

James wasn't having it. With a flick of the lighter, the flame jumped out, immediately scaring the guy to change his tone. "I'll talk! I'll talk!! Young master Williams, Madam Williams gave me the money."

With that, James loosened his grip of the lighter. He looked at the guy, as though he was was waiting for him to continue.

With that, James loosened his grip of the lighter. He looked at the guy, as though he was was waiting for him to continue.

The guy stared at the wad of cash in James's hands and hesitated for quite a long time. Without so much as an utter of a word, James flicked the lighter again, which promptly made the man speak up.

"Young master Williams, no matter what, please don't make any sudden moves. I earned that money for gathering a bunch of reporters to York Garden and tricking Miss Davis on Madam Williams's request..."

James halted. His face instantly froze over. "And then?"

The guy said just two words, "That's all...". Without batting an eyelid, James pulled out a single red note, flicked the lighter, and set it alight. The guy shrieked "No!" with a regretful expression. The burning note fell from James's hands and instantly turned to ashes as it fluttered to the ground.

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