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Time flew by. In the blink of an eye, spring had gone and summer had come, the summer was over and autumn arrived, autumn left and winter came. On a heavily snowy night, one week before Isabelle's due date, she was suddenly woken up by a sharp pain. She instinctively reached her arm out and pushed Alexander beside her.

He quickly woke up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Right after, he was instantly wide awake, for he heard Isabelle's painful groans. He swiftly turned the lights on to see Isabelle's pale face and the drenched sheets below. Her water had broke!

Because Alexander hadn't a clue about giving birth, he took enough preparation classes in advance to welcome Albert into the world. Despite practically being half a gynecologist, he was still evidently lost in fear at such a predicament.

He practically jumped out of the bed and landed on the ground. He first called the doctor, then without even bothering to get changed, he carried Isabelle, and ran down the stairs.

Isabelle was in so much pain, her entire body curled up. Seeing her like that, Alexander was even more shaken. It took him two tries to start up the car engine.

It snowed heavily. The streets were covered in white, and the temperature was so low that the falling snow turned to ice. Alexander drove so fast that every now and then, when he would make a turn, Isabelle could hear the tires screech. She endured the pain, and instinctively said, "Alexander, don't be so worried..."

Don't worry? How could he not be worried?

He was truly happy that she was pregnant. They finally were having a baby, and their family was finally going to be complete.

But now, seeing in just how much pain she was, the immense happiness he felt was replaced with fear.

When they reached the hospital, Alexander practically jumped out of the car once he had barely turned the car engine off. Without any grace at all, he barged into the maternity ward.


The moment Isabelle entered the delivery room, Alexander was left all alone in the corridor outside.

Every now and then, Isabelle's heart wrenching screams could be heard from the delivery room. Her cries left Alexander scared witless. For someone who was always mentally strong, he actually felt flustered as to what to do next. Eventually, when he reached the very end of his wits, he couldn't care too much any more. He pulled out his phone and called James, Jake, Sophia, his assistant, Camila, all of them to come over.

James was the first to arrive. Just as he came out of the elevator, he heard Alexander's voice traveling through the corridor.

"What's going on? It's been almost an hour now. Why is she still in so much pain?"

As Alexander said this, Isabelle's screams came from the delivery room, causing him to cry in distress. "Izzy! Izzy! How are you doing?"

Then there were a series of frantic 'dong-dong-dong' kicking sounds against the door.

James rushed over to Alexander, grabbed his arm, and dragged him back by a good meter. Just then, Isabelle let out a harrowing scream from the delivery room, causing Alexander to abruptly jumped for the delivery room doors again. Thankfully James had quick reflexes. He reached his arm out, hugged his waist, and viciously dragged him back. "Alexander, can you calm down?"

"Can't you hear her scream my name? She's been screaming for an hour now!" Alexander's arms and legs flailed about as he attempted to escape James's grip. "I have to go in... go in!".

"Go in my back foot!" Just as James couldn't hold Alexander, who had already completely lost his mind, back any longer, Sophia bustled into the scene in her high heels. Behind her was Jake, who carried her bag.

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