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Sophia had a business dinner with a customer at World Hotel tonight, and she never imagined that she would actually bump into Jake, who she hadn't spoken to in a month.

The customer was a little hard to deal with, as he constantly urged her to drink. Sophia could hold her liquor quite well, but she couldn't withstand drinking non-stop from the moment they sat down.

Mid-dinner, she really couldn't take it anymore. She instructed her secretary to stay with the customer while she found an excuse to leave the private room.

When Sophia shut the doors, the door to the private room opposite coincidentally opened. She instinctively lifted her head and took a glance. She saw a dapper Jake dressed in an electric blue shirt with a smile on his face as he said "I'll be right back" into his private room and casually shut the door.

Jake turned around to see Sophia in front of him in the corridors. His expression froze for a moment, and he stood there still, staring at her intently.

Sophia stood calm and composed at the door. She looked back at Jake for about a minute and noticed that he had no intention whatsoever to speak. She nonchalantly turned around and headed right for the restrooms.

Jake stood at the door staring at Sophia's back with darkness in his eyes.

To her, he was nothing at all... It wasn't like they hadn't argued or butted heads in the past, but every time, he would lower his head to her. All but this time, he always restrained himself. After a month of doing so, she never called him or even sent him a text. Now that they saw each other, she treated him like a complete stranger just like that...

At that thought, Jake couldn't help but shake his head. He wore a bitter smile for a moment, then followed behind her to the restrooms.

Sophia didn't know if it was because she had a lot to drink, or if it was because Jake was following behind her, just as she almost reached the restroom doors, her foot accidentally slipped, almost making her fall to the ground. Luckily, Jake, behind her was just a meter away, and his reflexes were fast. He reached his arm out and caught her.

He asked with a worried tone in his voice, "Did you sprain your ankle?"

Sophia couldn't quite say why, but after hearing Jake's voice, the tension that had built up inside her miraculously relaxed.

She was just as arrogant as usual, but her eyes couldn't help but linger on Jake for a little longer.

Seeing as she didn't say a word, Jake furrowed his brows and crouched down without a second thought, wanting to check her ankle. When suddenly, just as he was about to touch her shoe laces, he heard her coldly say, "Mr. Chen, I remember that we've broken up, do you think what you're about to do is appropriate?"

Jake's hand stopped where he was crouched by Sophia's feet. After about five seconds of silence, he suddenly got up, and stared deeply at her. Eventually, he gave her a nod, then said politely, yet in a removed tone of voice, "Apologies, Miss Davis, for disturbing you."

With that, Jake shot Sophia a perfectly polite smile, then walked into the male restroom, leaving her standing dumbstruck.

Jake actually left just like that?

In the past, whenever they butted heads, he would apologize to her every time, talk to her sweetly, and try to cheer her up, while she would put on a cold front. He obviously cared about her just now, so why did he suddenly walk off with a cold expression on his face?

Sophia stood there without moving an inch until Jake came out of the restroom. Only then did she blink and call his name. "Jake?"

He halted his footsteps, then looked over at her with nothing but an icy expression. "Is something the matter, Miss Davis?"

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