XXIII | The Wild Side of an Innocent Face

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With that, Isabelle drew closer to Mrs. Williams's ear, then said in a low voice only the two of them could hear, "Last year's Valentine's day, does Aunt Williams know why I could have possibly fallen down the stairs at the Williams family estate?"

"Has James told you?" asked Mrs. Williams as if from a conditioned reflex as soon as she heard Isabelle's words.

In truth, Isabelle hadn't known why she had fallen down the stairs back then: was it an accident or someone's scheme.

The reason she mentioned it was because of the thoughts that rose in her mind after scouring through Alexander's drawer.

Isabelle had only casually asked to disturb Mrs. Williams for no reason, never imagining that the wily, old woman in love with scheming that she was, she would actually slip up!

From her words, she had really been deliberately set up to fall down the stairs... On Mrs. Williams's birthday, Isabelle hadn't planed on James overhearing this... Which went to say, James knew his mother had tried to harm her...

"Madam Williams, Miss Davis, what are you both talking about?" Since the middle-aged woman saw Mrs. Williams's expression become full of obvious agitation, she couldn't help but ask in curiosity.

Mrs. Williams quickly calmed down, suddenly remembering that she was at a gala. Just as she was going to find an excuse to mask how she forgot her manners, Isabelle deliberately spoke first, suppressing her.

"Why would James tell me these things? I was just casually trying my luck. I never imagined that you'd actually let slip the truth. Aunt Williams, you have to be careful now... Don't go accidentally shooting your mouth off about killing other people's children like that too..."

When Isabelle said those words, the sweet smile on her face never wavered. To people around them, she looked like a girl whispering secrets to her mother.

When Mrs. Williams heard those words, "killing other people's child", she tried her hardest to stay calm. Yet Isabelle could clearly feel her pulling her arm away in reflex.

In truth, Mrs. Williams's swing back wasn't wide at all. It wasn't something people could detect, but Isabelle deliberately slid along with her movement Then she ripped her arm away from hers, silently gritted her teeth, and fell to the ground with a scream.

The series of events that just unfolded looked as though Mrs. Williams had pushed Isabelle to the ground.

It instantly drew the attention of quite a few people around them.

"What's going on?"

"Yeah, why did you all of a sudden push someone over?"


The kind-hearted people nearby stepped forward to help Isabelle up, and thoughtfully asked, "Are you all right?"

James, who wasn't too far away, noticed that something was strange, and looked over at his mother in confusion as to what was happening. He turned to the people he was having casual conversations with and said "Apologies", then quickly sped over there. He furrowed his brow when he saw someone supporting Isabelle up, then passed through the crowd to reach her.

Isabelle shook her head at the people who helped her up and said "Thank you". She then saw James thread through the crowd of spectating people. She lowered her eyelids and pretended to be totally oblivious. Turning her head, she looked over at Mrs. Williams with an innocent expression on her face. "Aunt Williams, did I say something wrong? Why did you suddenly push me?"

In her entire life, Mrs. Williams had never suffered such anger, for Isabelle had turned her usual elegant and generous self into a joke.

Just then, the aggrieved look on Isabelle's face undoubtedly made Mrs. Williams so incredibly agitated that her face turned red, and the words ruthlessly jumped out from her mouth. "You're talking nonsense! When did I push you..."

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