XXIV | You Make Barbie Look Real

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As the pain struck Isabelle, she discreetly clenched her teeth and cried streams of tears. She stared pitifully at Mother and Mr. Davis. With a little shock and panic, she cried, "Uncle, Auntie."

Mrs. Davis's personality was quite similar to Sophia's - incredibly protective.

When Mrs. Williams first gave Isabelle those two boxes of swallow's nest, Mrs. Davis had seen Isabelle run to the toilets to vomit a few times when she came over in the afternoon that same day to watch TV together at the Davis family estate. At the time, she told her that she must've eaten something bad on set, so she didn't think much of it.

Now, after mingling in the business industry for so many years and hearing the broadcasted recording released by an anonymous person, she instantly understood. Already angered beyond restraint, she now saw Mrs. Williams actually physically hit Isabelle, and her temper was set alight.

She unexpectedly stood up and addressed the woman by her full name. "Mrs. Williams, just what the hell do you want? What evidence do you have to be so sure it was our Izzy who did this!"

"If it's not that little bitch, then who could it be!" Mrs. Williams, at this moment, had already lost her mind.

Mrs. Davis grew increasingly angry with Mrs. Williams's repeated words "little bitch". "Mrs. Williams, could you watch that mouth of yours. Just who are you calling a little bitch?

"Let me tell you, even if it was Izzy who broadcasted the recording, what are you really going to do? You've done such outrageous things, and yet afraid to let people know about it? You think the Davis family is easy to bully, don't you?"

Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Williams's argument raised a lot of eyebrows nearby and drew a lot of people's attention.

Mr. Williams had already stood up from his seat and walked over to Mr. Davis. He then said, "Look, there are so many people watching. Can we talk about this when we get home?"

People shouldn't underestimate Mrs. Davis for her usual warm and gentle personality, agreeing to anything Mr. Davis said. When the occasion arose, if she didn't want to fallback, even Mr. Davis didn't dare to mess with her.

What's more, Isabelle was related to Mr. Davis by blood, not Mrs. Davis. Since his own wife was protecting his niece like this, who was he to stand out and shut it down. Naturally, he stared at Mrs. Davis without making a sound.

Mrs. Davis let out a "Hmpf".

"Fuck talking about this when we get home! I'm telling you all, from this moment forth, the Davis family and Williams family no longer have any ties. We will never be in contact again! How could you pick on our daughter out of nowhere?! Do you think that we, the Davis family are weak sauce?! You've hit someone in the face, and you want them to kneel over for you? You wish!"

Mid-way through the aunt's speech, a teary-eyed Isabelle almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Do you really think that your daughter is good? Do you really think that little bitch is a match for our James?" Suddenly, Mrs. Williams raised her hand and pointed a finger at Isabelle. "Her baby deserved to die, because it was..."

"Enough!" roared James, who had remained quiet all this time. He had suddenly screamed for he knew exactly what his mother was going to say. He abruptly got up and tugged on Mrs. Williams's arm. "Have you had enough? Or is this not embarrassing enough for you?"

As he said that, he dragged his mother and walked right out the door with a hostile look on his face.

When he passed Isabelle, his feet slightly halted. He really wanted to look at Isabelle and tell her he was sorry, but he never raised his head. He just stopped for half a second, then dragged his mother straight out.

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