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When Alexander and Isabelle finished dinner, they returned to York Garden at eleven at night.

The two of them took their separate showers, then Alexander watched as Isabelle took her folic acid, and they got into the bed together.

Having been proposed to, Isabelle was so happy she couldn't sleep. Every now and then, she glanced at the Heart of Eternity on her hand. In the end, Alexander's one warning "Look at it again and I'll take the ring back" frightened her so much that she hurriedly shut her eyes and squeezed herself into his arms. She then obediently stayed still.

The night was still, yet Isabelle couldn't sleep no matter what.

Even though they didn't speak, Alexander could feel that every now and then the pregnant woman by his side gently shifted. He knew she hadn't fallen sleep yet, so he slowly said, "Izzy, we should take advantage of the fact that your stomach isn't big yet, we should prepare for our wedding ceremony."

Without opening her eyes, Isabelle gave a nod and softly said, "Alright."

After a moment of silent, she spoke again. "Alexander, find some time and come back with me to the Davis family estate."

When she got married, she didn't even tell her uncle and aunt. In the end, they saw it on entertainment news and had to call her for the truth. Even though her aunt wasn't angry with her at the time, she could still feel that she was a little disappointed.

Now that she was pregnant, Alexander had proposed to her, and they were even preparing for their wedding ceremony, she should bring him to pay her uncle and aunt a visit.

"Alright," Alexander agreed readily.

After a bout of silence, he spoke once more. "But before we pay uncle and aunt a visit, I think we should visit your parents first."

Deep down, Isabelle couldn't help up but warm up inside, pressing closer against him. She let out an "Hm', then added, "And we have to visit your mother."

Alexander didn't say a word, but tightened his arms around her.

There was another moment of silence. Suddenly, he asked, "Izzy, what does your uncle and aunt like?"

Isabelle thought about it for a moment, then listed a few things. Alexander repeatedly let out an "Hm", and memorized each and every thing she mentioned.

He waited until she finished before he asked in hesitation, "Also, what about Sophia? What does she like?"

As soon as Alexander mentioned her sister, Isabelle couldn't help but feel a little heavy inside.

Sophia had tried to go after Alexander twice. Even though she was rejected, she still liked him. What's more, he had once went to Sophia to ask where she was, and Sophia hadn't told him. Perhaps she still cared about him rejecting her in the past.

Since the news came out that she and Alexander got married, Sophia, who would call her to go out shopping or eat out every now and then, stopped contacting her.

Isabelle wanted to call her sister several times, but she didn't have the courage. She was afraid that when she saw her, then so many years of sisterhood would be gone just like that.

However, what's meant to be will be. Even if she was avoiding her, she had to face the facts eventually.

Isabelle tried to push down her uneasiness. She told Alexander her sister's favorite brand of jewelry, clothes, and bags etc. In the end, she added, "Forget it, if you're going to go shopping, I'll go with you. You might not choose what Sophie likes."

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