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"Mrs. Smith, congratulations. You've been pregnant for a month now. "

A month... Then wasn't it that night she drugged Alexander in America?

She said it, she had a baby in her belly at the time, and Alexander just gave her a look of disbelief...

Isabelle secretly let out an 'ah'. She then hastily asked the doctor about more serious matters. "Last night whilst I was dancing, my stomach hurt. Is the baby okay?"

"Mrs. Smith don't worry. The baby's just fine." The doctor gave Isabelle a reassuring smile. "The pain you felt last night was probably because you were dancing too vigorously. It must've upset the fetus. As long as you don't bleed, it's nothing major. However, the first three months of pregnancy are rather dangerous. I recommend that you rest well. Of course, resting well doesn't suggest you stay in bed. Taking walks is good for the body."

Isabelle listened intently, paying close attention to every word the doctor said, trying to take it all in.

"Also, please remember to visit the hospital for a B-scan in a month to check the baby's heartbeat." After the doctor finished, she thought for a moment, then added, "Oh, right.. I prescribed you some folic acid . Please have Camila collect it, and please do remember to take them on time every day."

"Thank you, doctor." Isabelle wore a light smile and looked over at Camila. Her friend immediately knew what to do, she grabbed her purse and walked out.

Soon enough, Camila returned with two boxes of folic acid.

As per the gynecologist's orders, the nurse escorted them downstairs to the parking lot. When they got in the car, Camila couldn't wait to take her phone out. She turned to Isabelle and said, "Izzy, when I went downstairs to pay, I saw a broadcast about you and Alexander, and it's an interview!"

Isabelle furrowed her brows. "Interview? What interview?"

"It's that 'Appointment with the Great God'..." As Camila said this, she clicked into the website with the live broadcast.

Because the parking lot was underground, the signal was cutting in and out, and the streaming speed was terrible. Camila put her phone to one side and started the car up straight away. When she drove above ground, she found an area to stop at with fewer cars. Then, she brought her phone up again and started the stream.

About half a minute passed, then the presenter's voice came out of Camila's phone. "Just now, we talked about Mr. Smith's thoughts on the future of Global Entertainment, so our next question for Mr. Smith is about himself. Mr. Smith, have you recently had any plans to star in a new project?"

Camila put her phone on the car's phone stand. On the screen, Isabelle saw Alexander wearing a slim, black, tailored suit. He sat on the left looking strikingly good, his long legs crossed in the armchair. He looked majestic and graceful. Between his brows, he emulated his usual distant and cold aura, making him entirely mysterious but not overly elusive.

Faced with the presenter's question, he deliberately paused for two seconds, as though seriously considering something, then said, "I have no plans at the moment."

"Ah, that's a real shame. I trust many of our viewers tuning in now are definitely disappointed. After all, everyone still wants to see our Mr. Smith appear often on our screens." The presenter's tone of voice was very fitting, there was even a slither of regret, but quickly after, he changed the question. "We know since last year, for about half a year now, Mr. Smith has left the company for others to operate. In this past half a year, has Mr. Smith been enjoying your time off or are you working on a new project?"

"Not a new project, but investing and playing the stock market." Alexander's voice was as plain as usual.

"Stock market? Recently, the stock market is really bleak. I know quite a few friends who have performed poorly. I wonder if Mr. Smith is winning or losing?"

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