XXX | one lie is enough to question all truths

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In five short minutes after the message being sent to Isabelle's friends' circle, Alexander already received over a hundred notifications.

This was the first time Isabelle had ever had so many people react to her friends' circle, so when she saw those three figures in red, she leaped in shock. She thought that there was something wrong with her eyes, so she blinked before hurriedly tapping it open. There she saw a series of replies from people both within and outside the entertainment industry, both familiar and unfamiliar.

Iwanabecuteeveryday(Camila): Mrs. Smith, your Mr. Smith is awesome!

Goodmanthatsme(assistant): 32 likes.


Below were a series of replies, [Isabelle, you also sent this to a friends' circle?], [Why don't you show off your marriage certificate?], [Isabelle, to be able to marry Mr. Smith, you win in life!], [Congratulations, congratulations. Remember to pass out wedding sweets!], [Requesting red envelopes].

When Isabelle saw this, her finger that was swiping down stopped abruptly. She then realized that there were quite a few people who left comments with the words, "also announces their marriage". 

The top three hot topics were all about her and Alexander. Facebook even released an advert saying Alexander announced his marriage tonight, exposing his marriage certificate.

As Isabelle saw this, she made a vague assumption about something, then hastily tapped onto Alexander's Facebook. He had updated it after over eleven months of inactivity! The post was just like him - straightforward and direct; a heart emoji with a photo beneath it of their marriage certificate that included a photo of the two of them, their names, and a stamp from the civil affairs bureau.

Not long after Alexander posted on Facebook, he received millions of likes and fifty million comments. What's more, it was obvious that the numbers were still on a mad rise.

Alexander actually took the opportunity whilst she was sleeping to silently announce their marriage?

Isabelle turned her head to glance at him. Seeing as he was also staring at his phone, Isabelle stretched her neck out to sneak a peek at his screen to see that he was looking at some news on Facebook.

She only roughly swept through Facebook without even looking at the main stories, so she went back to the entertainment news page and closely studied it for a moment. She realized that as she was staring at Alexander's screen for a while, Facebook released more news. It was a compilation of over a dozen photos of her and Alexander. They were photos secretly taken of them in ACR in the afternoon.

From her meal at the Japanese restaurant to Alexander's arrival after being so worn out from his travels, and again when Alexander pulled her into a kiss in a quiet corridor. Then, more of when Alexander bought bought bought and swiped swiped swiped... till Alexander finally carried her, massaged her feet, and left with her... She practically flipped through all those photos.

Following the explosive photo post, the topic [The Nation's Good Husband] quickly shot up the headlines on Facebook.

Isabelle tapped it open. She discovered that the citizens who had cursed her earlier for being a man chaser had now completely switched sides.

She saw their collective performance of jealousy, envy, and hatred in their messages' tones'

[Oh god! Isabelle actually got married to my dream guy.]

[Isabelle must've saved the galaxy to be able to marry my husband in this lifetime!]

[Where the fuck did your husband come from? Hers is a real husband to sleep with, to touch, to massage her feet and buy handbags...]

Bringing the Nation's Husband Home IIIWhere stories live. Discover now