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At the party, James was elegant and courteous. No matter if he knew the person or not, if anyone approached him, he would smile at them and patiently have a casual conversation with them for a while. He appeared perfect and untouchable.

There was indeed quite a few rich women who actively came up to talk to him. Among them, there were one or two young women, who put their whole attention on him and managed to create opportunities for themselves to bump into him a few times at the party.

In the past, James never bothered with girls like these, but tonight, when those girls greeted him, he smiled back or clinked glasses like a gentleman.

Halfway through the party, he pulled away and walked over to a quiet balcony. He lit up a cigarette, but when he had smoked half of it, someone suddenly opened the glass doors behind him and stepped in.

James turned his head instinctively to find a young woman.

She was slightly stunned to find that there was someone on the balcony, and so she smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't know there was someone here."

James didn't say a word, but he put out the cigarette in his hand, and then walked towards the hall, giving the balcony away to this woman who was looking for some fresh air.

He reached his arm out to pull the door, when suddenly the woman took a glance at his fingers and cried out, "Sir, your hand looks serious, have you applied ointment on it?"

James glanced at his own fingers that were swollen from being caught between the doors. His brows were calm when he turned his head towards to the girl and gave her a gentle nod. He thanked her for her concern and was about to close the doors.

But the woman pulled out some ointment from her handbag and handed it to him. "This ointment is useful for getting rid of bruises. Take it."

James didn't take but looked up again to take another look at the woman. She wasn't exactly pretty, and even if she had applied some make up, she was still quite ordinary-looking.

Under his gaze, she felt a little embarrassed, figuring she might've been a little overenthusiastic. With a shy smile, she said in a quiet voice, "Sorry, I'm a doctor. When I see someone hurt, I'm conditioned to react like that."

With that, the woman retracted her hand back.

Just as the woman was about to put the ointment back into her handbag, James suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

"Me?" The woman lifted her head and shot him a smile. "Eliana. My name is Eliana."

Eliana... James looked stunned for a moment, as he let slip, "Si, from Xiangsi?"

"Yeah'." The woman seemed to like to smile. Without a word, she revealed a row of straight teeth, and held up the ointment to James's face. "You'd better take this ointment... it's really good... otherwise your fingers will swell up so crazy tomorrow, you won't be able to hold your pen."

James remained quiet for a while, then eventually reached his arm out to take the ointment and said in a gentle tone, "Thank you."

Then, he didn't go back to the living room of the party, but stayed to chat with Eliana for a long time. She was quite bubbly, similar to the old James. She enjoyed talking with her hands and feet, while James leaned against the balcony railing and quietly listened to her.

From how she described it, she didn't come from a rich family. She was born in a small town, she got into a medical school, and after graduation, she went to become a doctor at a hospital. She earned just eight thousand bucks a month, so the only reason she had ended up in this party tonight was because her friend had invited her.

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