VII | The Past, Sealed Away.

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Even though the assistant had been with Alexander for so many years, this was the first time that he had lied to him. And even though his lie wasn't exposed, he still felt guilty. Afraid that Alexander would find some loophole, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Smith, are you free later? Want to go for drinks?"

Alexander didn't object. He nodded and pointed to his car, heading for the driver's seat.

After working with Alexander for so many years, even if they hadn't met for ten months, the assistant still couldn't change his habits. When he realized what his superior meant, he hurriedly rushed in front of him to open the back door. "Mr. Smith, please."

Alexander was just about to enter the driver's seat, but when he heard his assistant's words, he paused slightly, then released the door handle, and went to the back seat.

The assistant entered the front seat and started the car. "Mr. Smith, where do you want to go?"


The assistant thought for a moment, then suggested, "Golden Luxury?"

Alexander agreed with a light "Yea."

In the past ten months, Golden Luxury had been renovated, so it looked much more extravagant and lavish than before.

In the private room, the drinks that the assistant had ordered were delivered quickly. After the staff left, he turned and looked over. Alexander had on a calm expression as he leaned on the sofa, smoking.

The assistant poured two glass of wine and pushed one over to Alexander. "Mr. Smith, are you intending to leave again?"

Alexander averted his gaze from the ceiling, straightened, and finished the entire glass. With a nod, he replied, "Hmm."

"What about the company?"

"Isn't the company doing fine?"

The assistant paused, recalling the conversation with Isabelle. "Mr. Smith, when do you intend to leave?"

Alexander hesitated. "I have not decided."

"Mr. Smith, I have already carried out your orders regarding Isabelle..."

Alexander remained silent, but his hand tightened on the glass of wine upon hearing her name.

When the assistant remembered that Alexander had emphasized not to let Isabelle know about his actions but yet he had betrayed him, he started to feel guilty and immediately changed the topic. "Mr Smith, did you leave without saying anything because of Miss Davis?"

Alexander stiffened. His lips tightly clenched and various emotions seeped into his eyes. After a short while, he downed another glass of wine and relaxed his temples back to his usual cold expression. He then replied faintly, "Stop mentioning what has already passed."

"But Miss Davis..."

The assistant had wanted to say she had been looking for him for ten whole months, but the moment he mentioned her name, Alexander smashed the glass of wine violently onto the table, before he could continue with his sentence. Snarling, he said, "I told you not to mention anything about her to me! "

The assistant became silent instantly.

The entire room fell into a deep silence.

Shortly after, the assistant changed the topic. Alexander remained silent the entire time, his face dark as he continuously smoked his cigarette.

When the cigarette was reaching its end, he pressed it into the ashtray and stood up. "It's getting late, I'm going back to the hotel."

The assistant started to panic.

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