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A flash of disbelief came into her eyes. Slightly gaping, and stared at the man beyond the door. After a long while, she forced herself to say, "How are you here?"

James didn't answer her questions but looked her up and down. "Did something happen to you?"

When James finished asking, he didn't wait for Helen' response, and shot a glance at the wound on her arm.

He suddenly grabbed her arm, taking note of a ghastly graze. He furrowed his brows, then looked down at the wound on her leg, which creased his brows even tighter. "How did you fall like this, and not to take care of it?"

Helen lowered her head, but didn't make a peep and pulled her arm from his grip.

"Where's your husband? Could he possibly not care about you?" There was a tinge of anger in James's words.

She still didn't say a word.

James stared at her for a while, then suddenly swept her off her feet, and walked towards the elevator.

He took her to a nearby hospital, whilst she still hadn't registered how he suddenly turned up at her home in Seattle. The doctor soon finished giving her a check up.

According to James's orders, the doctor prescribed an ointment, then he carried her back to her home.

When they opened the door, James entered the house without Helen's permission. He carried her straight in, then put her down on the sofa in the living room. He didn't wait for her to react and pulled out the bottles from the plastic bag onto the floor. He skimmed through the names on the packaging, then grabbed a cotton swab, and took care of her wound.

From start to finish, the two of them didn't exchange any words.

Helen stared at James without blinking.

He didn't look up into her eyes until he finished applying medicine to her wound. "It's best if you apply this ointment two times a day, so there won't be any scarring."

As he said this, James lowered his head again, he pointed at the bottles. "Apply this bottle first. It's to kill bacteria. Then, apply this one. Got it?"

James glanced at Helen, and saw that she still had the same expression on her face. His brows creased, and he then grabbed a pen from the coffee table and marked the medical box. He also said in a flat voice, "I've clearly marked the instructions in order."

He put the pen down, and glanced over at the clock on the wall. It was already eight o'clock, then he asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

This time, Helen finally had some kind of reaction. She shook her head gently at him.

James didn't say a word, but stood up and walked into the kitchen.

Helen quietly sat on the living room sofa and listened to the sound of the kitchen vent . She stared outside the window.

Even though Helen couldn't cook, she had Rebecca, and so her kitchen was well prepared.

James was always good at cooking. He used just twenty minutes to make a well-balanced and nutritious breakfast table for Helen.

He stood in front of the breakfast table, and served her a bowl of porridge. Then he glanced over at her sitting on the sofa and asked, "Can you walk over here?"

Helen hurriedly nodded, quickly got up, and walked over to the breakfast table.

She randomly pulled out a chair and sat down. James pushed the porridge in front of her.

The aroma wafted in, tempting her appetite. Helen dazed out for a moment, then raised her eyes. She looked over to where James was standing. "You want to eat together?"

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