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When James and Helen left the police station, it was already 5 pm. The sun had set and the streets were basked in a warm shade of red.

In the police station they were preoccupied, but now that they were out, they saw the text from Alexander informing them that Sophia was out of danger but was still asleep. Jake was there guarding her but the dagger had slashed deep into her ovaries, hence, she might never be able to get pregnant.

There were still remnants of bloodstains on James's face which stood out when his face paled. Mrs. Williams had gone crazy in the interrogation room, slashing him maniacally.

James drove the car with the parking ticket to the police station.

When they were close to it, Helen glanced over at him, noticing that he didn't seem alright. "I'll drive."

James hesitated, turning to look at her, then pulled over and went to the passenger seat.

Helen started the car and headed into the road, glancing at James at the turn. He was lying against the seat, his eyes shut, a calm expression on his face.

She never once disrupted his rest. When they reached Ceberos apartment's underground car park, he had already opened his eyes. Calmly, he asked, "Have we reached?"

Helen nodded her head and he pushed open the door and alighted.

When they were back in the apartment, James collapsed straight onto the sofa and shielded his eyes with a hand.

Silently, Helen looked at him for a while before pouring him a cup of water. She set it on the coffee table gently before getting a first aid kid. Just when she was about to reach for his arm to treat it, she saw tears flowing down his face.

Helen stilled.

Silence engulfed the room, and after about half a minute, James started to cry softly.

Each sob he took pierced deep into Helen's heart, sending a deep pulse of heartache. Lifting her hands, she lightly held onto his arm, reassuring him. "It's alright, I'll be here for you."

She had wanted to say that she would always be there for him.

But she knew that she couldn't, she could only be there at his most vulnerable. Once it was fine, she had to leave.

Because, by then, she would no longer be needed.

For over seven years now, even though James and Helen had physically been with each other countless times, neither of them had ever said anything flirtatious.

At that very moment, Helen's words "I'll be here for you" touched the deepest part of James's heart, and left him frozen for good five minutes. Without so much as moving an inch, he suddenly got up and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Helen was left dumbfounded for a few seconds by James's sudden deep embrace. She lifted her arms and hugged him back.

As far as she could recall, this was the first time he had hugged her like this.

The room was silent. The two of them quietly hugged like that for a long long time, so long in fact, that James felt his heaving heart finally become peaceful. He shut his eyes, his breath permeated with the light aroma of Helen's body. For a moment there, he suddenly remembered the impulse to buy her a ring earlier this afternoon at "Bliss for a Hundred Years". He wanted to marry her and spend an ordinary lifetime of simplicity... He didn't want to shop for good prospects any longer, nor did he want to be a strong shopper...


The ambulance came just in time. Sophia lost quite a lot of blood, but they were able to save her life.

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