VIII | no measure of time with you will be long enough

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After meeting Alexander that day, Isabelle had sent up a new chat group with her, Camila, and Alexander's assistant.

The day she was chased out of Alexander's room, her first thought was to send a crying emoticon to the chat.

Camila's first reaction was [Izzy, what's wrong? You didn't succeed?]

Isabelle raised her head to look at the tightly shut door before replying sadly, [No]

[Ah?] Alexander's assistant sent a shocked emoticon, then asked, [Miss Davis, didn't you have a talk with Mr. Smith?]

[I wanted to, but the moment I mentioned Valentine's Day, he became infuriated and even took hold of my neck in a strangling motion. He then threw me out of the room]

Camila who was a big fan of romance novels seemed to have forgotten the motive for the chat and sent a love emoticon. [Best screen actor Smith is so cool, drools]

Alexander's assistant remained calm. [Oh, previously, when I mentioned Miss Davis, Alexander was also immediately enraged! I was so scared that I couldn't continue.]

[I'll just wait at the entrance till he comes out...]

The assistant then wrote, [By my understanding of his personality, he probably won't give you an opportunity to speak.]

[Are you here to help me?]

[I'm, but I'm just stating the truth...]

After fan Girling for a while, Camila suddenly sent out an emoticon showing disgust. [You two dummies! If he doesn't want to talk about the past, then don't! The more you try to bring it up, the more he will avoid you, and what if he suddenly goes missing again? I say the easiest method would be to sleep with him!]

Isabelle: [...]

Alexander's assistant: [...]

Camila: [Hey, what do you guys mean, are you disgusted by my idea? You guys are really dumb! Think about it, if he was really upset that Izzy didn't turn up for Valentine's day, would he have gone to Davis house to find her?]

Camila: [That day, he waited for such a long time before giving up. He must have been in despair to leave without a word, must have been certain that Izzy didn't like him, so right now, the thing that he cares most about is whether Izzy likes him and not the reasons why she didn't turn up!]

Alexander's assistant: [It seems to make sense.]

Camila: [What do you mean by seems? It's definitely like that!]

Camila: [Izzy, for the last time, are you certain that you want to be with him?]

Isabelle: [Yes]

Camila: [Then it's set! Even if you guys aren't a couple yet, there is mutual love, so you will definitely conquer everything. From what you've mentioned, he must be quite determined not to get back with Izzy, so even if you were to tell him that you like him, he might not believe you. So, forget about explaining, why don't you go the more direct way and just 'sleep' with him. When the time comes, his resolve will certainly weaken!]

Camila sent over a large chunk of text, but she didn't seem to be reassured, so she added: [Izzy, remember to 'sleep' with him a few more times that night. If his resolve doesn't weaken, there would be a high chance that you at least would get pregnant! You can then use the child against him!]

Alexander's assistant added: [Miss Davis, when you get pregnant, remember to send me a photo so that I can gloat about it to Mr. Smith!]

After that, the chat was flooded with their plans after Isabelle became pregnant, everyone forgetting the current situation.

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