Ready to Sprout

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  I looked at the other vegetables and the people on stage pouring my heart out to them. To my dismay they laughed and clapped. This was a bullying rally and I felt like my message wasn't made so I declared, "let me say it in clear way to understand.

 Okay, so your fat. You know why? Because you don't eat you vegetables! Fruit has sugar in it. The only time you eat lettuce is with you taco and with your salad. Talk about the meat and carbs added.  The only time you eat carrots is with ranch, again salad but with Brussels sprouts you could eat me by itself. Talk about a real deal without the hassle of breaking your wallet!"

  I still got chuckles. They'll learn later in life when their body starts to break down because of the lack of nutrition. They then will want me but somebody will have already ate me by then.

Aim to Engage --2019 Collection of Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now