The Shady Side of Apple

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      I had always been a tech savvy chick so when I got a call back from Apple to help design the new iPhone 12, it was a no brainier that I take the job. There have been many rumors that the company spies on it's users. I always scoff at that, the company backs up everything on its technology in case there's a crime committed by the user. It is Apple's way of keeping the world safe by capturing evidence. Shouldn't all computers be this way?

   I personally choose to use an iPhone due to its complexity. However, on my first day working there, I soon find out why the product is so unpopular with users.

   1) When a new Apple product comes out, older models  are slowed down frustrating the user to buy a new model

 - This is wrong because many users cannot afford to buy a new phone every couple of years and also it shows how selfish the company is. It is not working for the people, it's taking from the people.

  2) It uses cookies, recordings, and the microphone to sale advertisements to you for their own profit.

  - It seems the company only things about money.

  I sigh thinking about what I should I do. Should I try to convince the company to head in a different direction and chance getting fired or should I walk away and expose the company and risk a lawsuit I cannot afford.

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