The Death of a Witness

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  I had seen the group of men who had taken turns stabbing Julius.  One knife set inside him for another. I couldn't save him or do anything. I wasn't supposed to be there but my wife had begged me to ask him for a higher position once he becomes emperor. 

  I wasn't going to say anything but seeing an old childhood friend of mine who I cherished very much accused made my heart sink.

  "There were multiple stab wounds made. It had to be more than one person. Not to mention the women downtown said he was down there with them buying grocery's with his children. Therefore it couldn't have been him."

  One of the men looked at him and then quickly said, "women lie."

  "Men lie," someone shouted from the crowd.

  "It was multiple stab wounds. I seen his body!" a women yelled and more people yelled in unison.

  My old friend looked at me and smiled. "See I tell you I'm innocence."

  "Then it must be him," said the man who declared women lie.

  "Your just pointing at people now!" I yell but I am still brought up.

  "Where have you been on the day of his death?"

  "I was with my wife and children," I say.

  "It's true. He was with me," my wife lies for me as regret for making me go to talk Caesar sat in her countenance.

  "He was in the palace," a man shouted. "His wife is a liar!"

  "What witness do you bear?"

   "Whoever had killed him had eyes had the throne."


  "All I care for is a decent job to support my wife and children. Having power is something I don't want."

  My answer, for many was a lie. They took me to a place where they held prisoners for judgement and most likely death.

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