Chapter 32: The Dragon.

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I Do Not Own RWBY. All rights for RWBY go to Mr. Monty Oum and the good folks at Rooster Teeth.

This is part of the Five Year Time gap part of the story that I will use to tell what the characters have been up to year by year for five or so chapters.

Writers who's works are included in this chapter are Sapphire_Darkhouse, Nighttra, victorblaze0522, and xxQrowBrawnwenxx, me, SnowDrrgun, Cosmickatana, thedragonmaster18, AngelFlower23, Firedragon_Yang, and UzukiB. Enjoy.

Continuation Of Chapter 31*

A Week After Chapter 31*

On Remnant 38's Atlas*

Third Person POV*

There was a runaway bus heading straight for some kids crossing the street.

The teacher yelled "Get out of the way, kids!!" as she tried to get the kids out of the way.

Everyone closed there eyes and waited for the inevitable but it never came.

Everyone opened there eyes to see the Atlas Hero, The Dragon with the bus crushed around her.

Everyone opened there eyes to see the Atlas Hero, The Dragon with the bus crushed around her

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After the bus ran it's course, The Dragon asked "Is everyone okay?".

Everyone nodded and The Dragon said "Remember to look both ways before crossing the street next time kids.".

The kids nodded as The Dragon flew up and took off for the skies of Atlas.

The Dragon(Yang Xiao Long)'s POV*

I narrated "Let's start at the beginning one more time in case you weren't paying attention, so yeah, I'm a superhero who keeps the people of Atlas safe on a regular daily basis. I have a sister who works for the government. The SDC heiress is a good friend of mine and a girlfriend who I adore more then anything. But enough about me, about 3 years ago, I was bit by a rare radioactive dragon and was given all the powers of a dragon. At first my name was Dragon-Woman, but we don't talk about that. After a while I just went by The Dragon and that's where we are now.".

I passed by the Department of Foreign Affairs or as I liked to call it, the DFA where I worked closely with my sister as we worked to keep peace in Atlas and Mantle.

I landed in disguise outside of my actual job as Winter Schnee's assistant.

She knew that I was The Dragon and didn't care as long as I showed up to work on time

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She knew that I was The Dragon and didn't care as long as I showed up to work on time.

One of my villains The Sonic Shriek arrived and tried to take Ms. Schnee out but I got in the way and got knocked out of the window.

On Remnant 7*

The Flash(Ruby Rose)'s POV*

I found out that my ally Roman Torchwich was none other then The Blurred Streak and I was working on getting faster.

So I was about 300 miles away from Vale City and was gonna work with the Speed Booster Yang whipped up for me with a few tweaks from Blake.

I put the booster on my arm and Yang said "Go!" and I took off as fast as I've ever been.

While running I could feel all the joy in the world while I ran.

I said "Girls. I can go faster.".

Blake over the com system said "Do it.".

I went as fast as I could go and a blue and black portal opened in front of me and I went through it.

I exited it and saw Yang I think falling so I ran up the side of a building and caught her before running her all the way over to the deserts of Vacuo.

I saw that she was on fire so I said "Your on fire.".

I went to try and put it out but I pulled away and said "Nope.".

She patted the fire out and flew off.

I said "Um..." as I took off following her at high speeds.

She landed and I stopped in front of her.

I asked "How did you do that, Yang?".

She said "I'm The Dragon, remember?".

I asked "Your who?".

She said "Sorry. The shriek must've messed with me a bit more then I thought. How did you save me sis?".

I smirked and said "Um... I'm The Flash, remember?".

She shook her head and I deduced that I was on another earth.

I said "Hey um, I'm Ruby Rose, fastest girl alive and I'm from another Remnant, and I'm gonna need your help getting home.".

Time Skip To The Dragon Cave*

The Dragon(Yang Xiao Long)'s POV*

I was sitting with Winter and Blake as Ruby explained the multiverse to us in a way we could understand.

Ruby said "Imagine that there are multiple versions of Remnant. One where things happened differently and another had a different outcome. But all of these Remnants share the same space but vibrate at a different frequency so they can't see or feel each other. But if your like me, you can go fast enough you could open a sort of portal to travel between worlds.".

I nodded and Winter asked "But how can you travel so fast with such little legs?".

Ruby made a grumpy face and raced off then came back with Ice Cream.

I nodded and said "I'll help you out Rubes.".

She nodded and we all got some sleep.

The Next Day*

I pushed The Flash through an extra-dimensional portal and sent her home.

I smiled as I went out on a date with Blake.

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