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I  Am

My breath halting in my throat when my eyes made contact with the bruises. My heart burst as the shock of the stains scatter my arms. My brain froze, my words haunted; I could comprehend how.

Though my body stiffened with fear, I felt the salty trails that defined a path amongst my cheeks. The tears poured as if crying was going to heal the state my physical body was stuck in.

My tears coating the pillow be neath me, my knees hugging my chest.

Even after all these years one man.. one man can kill my sense of function. His words control my body, my mind, my physical and emotional presence.

Lenard that was his name, after all these years of pretending to be strong, all these years of building up me.... it is knocked to shreds by one man... one name.

This is my fault, my own stupid fault. I slept with his brother.

Stupid stupid girl.

The man who left scars on my body, the man who tortured the only person I ever loved. The man who would laugh at the sounds of my broken bones... I slept with his brother.

I brought this upon myself, I promised myself that I would not love, I would be someone new. I CHANGED MY DAMN  LAST NAME. MY "SCENT" as my moth-whoever she was called it.

I am the reason

The reason Damon blood was spilt

I .... Me ...

Tortured, beaten, broken .... because of me.

My breath faultered in my chest.

My oxygen dissolving Within itself.

Darkness swarming me once again.

I open my eyes to only still yet be swarmed by the same darkness. My eyes wonder aimlessly, looking, searching for a light. My eyes roam, till they fall to my feet, I am standing.... my bare feet lie against what feels to be a cold wood surface.

My legs bare, I am dressed in a sheer white nightgown. My red hair falling effortlessly on my sides, my arms pale the bruises being the only color that stands out.

Taking a step forward, walking blindly into a deeper darkness. One, two, three, four. Counting the steps I take in hopes that if I need to turn around I know where the lines of safety lie.

A light spring upon the darkness, as if a flame of a candle dancing amongst the shadows.
Light, the only thing my brain registers is that life mean safety and safety means home.

My body feels as if it's being pulled towards the direction of the flame. A pull that is not only psychically dragging me, but luring my since of wonder.

When the flame appears to be just in front of me I grasp to touch it, to hold onto the only since of hope.

When my fingers make contact with the flame, I'm sworn into a lite room.

The white worm out wood panels become pronounced under my feet. The walls the same faded wood. Two small twin size beds lay in the corner where the walls touch. Both have no sheets, only ragged blue blanket lays on one bed.

I know this room, I know these walls, I know that blanket.

My feet lead my towards the bed that the blue blanket lies on. The closer the bed appears the more I notice a lump that is formed underneath the blanket.

As my toes make surface under the frame of the twin bed frame, my hand skims over the blue blanket.  My fingers tracing under the hem of the blanket in an attempt to pull it back.

When the blanket reveals red  faded locks my body over takes my movements and I jerk the rest away.

There lies Damon.

His face scared with bruises, dry blood Painted on his face. My heart shatters as the tears pour. My knees buckle, giving out to the weight they were holding.

The pain scorching through me as I hit the floor.

"You did this to me Riley, you killed me."

Damon's voice echoes through the room, piecing through my skin.

" you murdered me, after all those years  I protected us ... YOU KILLED ME."

"No .. no dame I wouldn't do that"


" Dame ... I -I would ... I -I love you"

His laughter rings through the room, causing a deep vibration through the floors

" I am suffering Riley, my soul is being tormented, burned... because of you. I am dying again you are killing my soul."

The pain in his voice as he announces his suffrage, it a pill of death itself as it drowns my body with sorrow.

"H-how do I f-fix is Dame.. I -I'll do anything "

Silence breaks the room

" you must take your own life, you must sacrifice your life to end my own torment"

I did this to him ...

I am the reason he was beaten.

I am the reason he is broken.

I am the reason his soul suffers.

I deserve no life.

I deserve no love.

I deserve no breath.

" For you Dame, I will."

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