little bunny

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I woke up in a in flash, turning my headed side to side only to realize I am still one the bus. I let of a sigh of relief, Camden Xavier the egotistical big head who I first met when I was twelve. Sitting alone on the park swing, Damon was gone and mother told me she needed me put of the house. She was bringing a new stranger from the bar that night and having a "whorish whining cry baby" in the other would distract the idiot she was banging for a handful of cash.
Sitting on the swing kicking my feet at the black gravel, it's getting dark and I know I should probably headed home but I didn't want to face mother rage if I came home before her and her man friend where home. A man walking past the park cought my attention, he was drunk I could tell by the way he wobbled down the sidewalk. My swing chain bust and the noise of my body falling on the ground grabbed his attention.
He headed toward me with ans evil glimmer in his eyes and my body set in a panick.
I tried to run but the broken chain caught on my pants. My jerks only cause the chain to pull tighter on the hem of pants. The lining of my pants that was on my hips started tugging down as a result of me trying to set myself free.
The man was now by my feet I heard his voice lace an evil chuckle.

"Well well well it seems that my day has just turned a whole light brighter. I found myself a little toy." His words slurred

He throw the bottle to the side and grabbed my feet, I began to thrash and kick.

"Listen here bitch, the less you kick the less it will hurt. Do you want to see you mommy agian? If so you fucking take everything I give you."

Tears stained my face as I cried letting out a horrible scream. The man was quickly thrown off of me. A different man who was huge was hovering over him, he pulled out a gun and pulled the trigger. One jerk of the man body before he went limp. The man placed his gun in his waistband and walked over towards me. In a panick I began to hop on one leg trying to hold up my pants while I tugged my leg from the chain that still held on tight to the end of my pants.

" hold still little bunny, let me help you" he had long brown hair that laid on the top of his shoulders his beard the same color. Brown green eyes that looked at me with some time of adoration.

"Please don't hurt me Mr."

" shhhhh your worries little bunny, I could never hurt a hair on your precious little head." His words spoke with such gentleness

" w-who are you?"

" my sweet little bunny, my name is Camden Xavier."

"Riley" I stuck my hand out in order to shake his, showing him a mindful gesture. A slight electricity ran through my hand.

"Riley, what a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. For now I will call you bunny, seeing how our first encounter you were hoping." He let out the kindest chuckle.

" would you like to get some ice cream bunny?"

" are you going to kidnap me Mr.?"

" not today little bunny"

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