Chapter 1: part 3

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With a quick swift the door opened, a man stood blocking the door way, he wore black leather dress shoes, grey dress pants, a white dress shirt covered by a grey coat that clung right around his muscles.  His tie was light grey with a baby blue. His hair tied back, dirty blonde with a man bun, his eyes were a grey blue and his smile swept you away with a simple glance. He had olive skin, if I would have seen him on the streets in casual clothes I would have thought he was a surfer or a tattoo artist nothing of a business man. He looked me up and down, I soon felt awkward by his glance, even angry. Why does he feel the need to look anywhere but my face? When he speaks I bet it that voice of an over egotistical ass. 
" you must be Miss, Stone?" His voice was soft cradling, even gentle, You would think it would cause me a type of relief In face it only pissed me off. 
"Yes, I am she" my tone quick and sharp.
"You may be excused, melissa I can take her from her." His tone one almost that rubbed off a sarcastic, with a annoying grin that covered his face. Definitely egotistical the thought pranced in my brain.  With that Melissa turned around and headed back to her desk.
" You may sit." His hand pointed in the direction directly across from his chair.
"Thank you" the words flowed of my mouth. " you would think as a CEO your office would be at the top floors not the bottom right around the corners of the secretary."
" I liked to be close to the exit doors incase of a fire I would be the first one to exit." He is voice so monotone I can not tell if he is serious.
" sounds like the words of a egotistical ass". The words slip so fast out if my mouth I forgot I said them out loud. SHIT SHIT SHIT, I definitely am going to get fired before I get hired. 
He starts to laugh so hard I think I spotted a tear slip from his eyes.
" that is the first time I have ever been referred to an ass at my place of business, not even the girls I kick out in the morning have the audacity to call me an ass." His voice is shakey due to the laughter that prance behind his words. My face as turned an vibrate red, with embarrassment and anger, so he is an ass.
" it was another joke Miss. Stone, the floor my office is originally on is being rebuilt. Now shall we began? Let's start with why do you think you posses the ability to fulfill this position?"
Easy question, one that I expected.
" I have worked very hard to accomplish, achieve and successfully coordinate every skills I have and use it  to excel in my account career. I find myself very found of numbers infact I have spent years in college to earn a degree. Most of all I love what I do,  I do not find it a chore so coming to work every day will not be a as such, when I find something I love I give it my all ." Except men of course, I never even found myself attracted to a man. However Mr. Hendricks was very attractive if only his personality fit his face. The thought brings a laugh, that I slowly choke down as it arises. 
" very well put response Miss. Stone. That is all I have you are hired, congratulations, You start now."
" wait that is all one question? From one question you based my ability to work here?"
" Are you questioning my judgment, Miss. Stone ?" His voice posses a serious tone.
" no, no sir. Sorry sir". My voice lost all confidence I once just had.
"Good, in this position you will work beside me. You will answer directly to me, and you will be the boss of most of your fellow employees. This job will require you to fly, to different states countries etc. Do you understand Miss. Stone. Do you have a boyfriend ?"
A boyfriend why does he want to know if I have a boyfriend?? Is he flirting with me?
"With all due respect sure I don't know why you are asking me this."

His voice became stern as if he knew I was assume the worst from him. "I am asking because the last women in your place, boyfriend became jealous and didn't allow her to travel to do her job, as you can see, she is no longer with us today."
" oh, I am sorry sir and no I... I do not have a boyfriend. I accept the requirements of the position."
" Good, now let's get started with your training shall we." 
"Yes sir" I murmured. 

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