Nightmares Pt 2

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Alarics breath is just fanning my lips as he speaks his words. I lean in an in attempt to make contact, the feeling of wanting him just aches me now.

His face then morphed into a dark figure, his feature are not that of his own.

The color of his eyes change, they are enhanced into a deep red. His smile on now Vicious and cruel, one full on vileness.

The darkness that once held his feature under a mask have now let up.


"L-Lenard ...."

His grin breaks into a vile laugh, his eyes some how darken.

" hello Riley, oh how I have missed you."

" where am I ? Where is Leo ? Alaric ?"

His laugh is much stronger now, stronger.

" hush hush child, this is about me and you remember."

I'm trapped, I try to move my body but I am stuck my arms being crushed by his hands locking me in place.

" me .... and you ? I am confused.."

His grin that onced took place on his face has now turned into a bigger frown. His jaw ticks with anger. I know whatever it is I said to trigger him just pissed him off.

" oh Riley but you do remember me "

His voice laced with venom as if he is testing me, daring me to answer wrong. I do remember him though he is Leo brother..

" l-Leo brother"

His hands tighten on my arms his nails now digging into my flesh.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, you see little girl I have known you for a very long time. Infact, I think you need a reminder if just who I am."

My vision has gone blurry, my head spinning. I close my eyes in order to stabilize the dizziness that has taken over my body.


I shake my head, refusing to let him "remind me". My self conscious has warned me that whatever this reminder was it would hurt ... very very bad.


My eyes snap open, I expect to see my brother tied to a chair blood dripping from his face but I rather see something strange.

Damon... we five year old Damon, dangling from the man that tormented us for years.

I can see the tears forming in his eyes, he is screaming for him to put him down. Damon repetitively pointing to the corner of the room, I can't see what he is pointing at as it covered by a darkness. When Damon is dropped to the floor and little body scatter to the corner he once's pointed at. That is when the darkness fades and I see a little girl huddled in the corner blood pouring from her nose and ears. Damon throws himself onto her acting as a human shield from the man that once held him by the hair on his head.

When the face of the girl turns to face the boy that saved her my breath hitches. Me .. that is me.

Tears start to fall from the corners of my eyes.

" there you go, good girl you remember,"

My eyes still stuck to the children huddled in the corner, holding each other.

The mans face begins to form from behind the cloak that once hid it from the surface of light .

Lenard ... his grin spread wide across his face as he looks at the children as if breaking their souls gave life to his.  His face adjust to make direct contact with mine, his eyes bore into my own.

" I missed you Riley."

My voice is broken, words can't even form in my brain. 

" you look confused, shall I explain "

He lets out a chuckle

" well let's start with, my name is Lenard. Son of a king, that we will not get into much details of as I was to make my big entry later. Your "mother" disgusting vulture she was stole you, and brought risk to my rule of what was rightfully mine. You see I need to mate with a woman in order to produce an heir to my thrown. I had one she fell pregnant and all was going great until she fell in love with a villager to the country you came from. She risk exposing everything I created, so I killed him. In retaliation to what I did she stole you, thought that somehow I would be mad, and she would get a piece of her lover out of it. She thought you would bring her happiness since you came from the same place. Blah blah blah story quite Birmingham their actually.

Skip to the fun part shall we, you just so happened to sneak away from me. Very clever of you actually, but what I wasn't expecting is that my brother fall in love with you.. ".

He begins to laugh.

" can you believe that, a charm. You just just walked right back into this plan, you made it quite easy there for awhile. That was until Leo got all butt hurt about his ex Caitlyn, who still is my queen. Oh well."


The soothing voice of Alaric breaks through almost calming me on spot.

" DAMNIT, ITS MY FUCKING TIME... That over sized balloon sure making it hard to reach you."

" bunny, I'm here"

The dizziness that once took over my body is not fading, my head is beginning to steady.

Lenard face his almost as a smoke of cloud that a hand has swiped through, disappearing off in the distance.

" I will see you soon Riley."

His voice echoed as ringing that surrounds me.

The moment his voice is gone, I'm jolted out of that virtual reality my head beading with sweat that my shirt is damped and cling to my body.

My head burns with a dull pain, as a shot of pain spring through my arm's when I press the palm of my hand to my aching head.

As if I am being controlled by something else, I ripped the shirt off my body. The hand prints mark my skin, the bruises already staining my arms with a deep black and purple.

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