nighty night

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Sorry about the chapters being so short hopefully an update once a day makes up for it😁 thank you for reading. I love you all.

Camden POV
I seen her roll those beautiful emerald green eyes at the man who sat behind the counter. She reached for the door and I slowly pushed it open. The fear masked over her face made my blood boil. All I wanted was to love and cherish this woman amongst other things and she would rather run. The moment I ran my fingers down her arm and though currents of electricity tingled my finger taps a sense of calmness came over me and I felt at ease.
"Hello bunny, I missed you"

Her face filled with a light pink

" H-how did you find me?"

"Let's not worry about the details love, we have a plan to catch. You and me are finally going home." Her eyes darted at me and her hands started to fist.

" I am NOT going anywhere with you MR. I dont care how hard to try to force me. I have rights and you kidnapping and FORCING me to leave is not apart of those rights."

My little bunny was turning into quite the little tiger. Hmm perhaps I will have to change her nickname.
" listen little tiger, you will return to our home, the easy way or well the easy way. The only difference is one way you will be very conscious and the other not so much. But either way you WILL Come home. Now I have let you live by yourself for a very long time and too much for my liking. So either come now or come in your sleep. Your choice really." Her eyes widened at my statement.

" Never" and with that I shot a sleeping medication into the side of her neck.

"W-what did y-you do...." I cought her before she hit the ground.

"Dimitrious grab the bag"

"Yes sir"

I carry Riley to the car bridal style, her head lays in the crook of my neck. Leaving down I press my nose into her hair and soft inhale, expecting the same lavender and jasmine smells she once smelled like, the first day I met my little tiger. However she had no scent, The smell was absent . I laid her down in the seat next to me. Her head rested on the window of the car while her legs spread across my lap. Dimitrious tossed her bad in the front seat of the car.
"Ready boss?"
Giving him a nod as a signal for him proceed. All was quiet for the short while on the trip when we heard the ping of what sounded like a phone. This being odd that, knowing riley left her phone at her old apartment.
I reached across the center console of the car grabbing riley bag, leaving back in my seat I began to dig inside her bag trying to find the source of the noise. Spotting a cell phone, I look at it questionably; where did she get this. I swiped my finger across the screen thankfully she didn't have a passcode. A message raised about the top of the phone, clicking on it by blood instantly began to boil. The rage in my body threatening to escape I let out a viscous, ear shattering growl.
Hey love, I am beginning to miss you. I am sitting her at my desk reminiscing on our sensual actions that happened. I can't help but not get any work done when your moans still ring in my ears. Let me know where you are, I wouldn't hesitate to come get you and bring you home.
Who the fuck is this, and why the hell is he insinuating that he stole my little tigers womanhood. I swear on every sound that lives I'm my kingdome I will take his last breath if he so happened to lay on finger on what is mine. Glancing at Riley sleeping face I whisper " beautiful little tiger, you better not have giving this man the reassurance that touching you was okay. The only name you should ever have moaned is my own."

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