The drive home

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After we left from the Coterie seeing our daughters and two sons. The drive home was complete silence, Lena didn't say anything about my not going with her to Sacramento California. Love l know your upset about me not going with you Stef says. Baby, I'm happy that you're going to be able to help those kids Lena replies not making eye contact with me,
It's only for a year honey Stef said. Baby l know and it hurts
I thought we were going on this journey together, but I guess not Lena replied. Love l promise we will facetime each other every day Stef responds. Our love will survive. this Stef Stated when do you leave for Venezuela Lena asks me, I'm leaving in a month the blonde hair woman said. My love, when are you heading for Sacramento California. Stef inquire, I'm set to leave in a couple of weeks Lena answered
Not one word is spoken on the ride home. We never been separated like this before Lena said. I know love Stef responded

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