The phone call

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Stef's: POV
It was the we hours in the morning when my cell phone rang. Lena was sound asleep in my arms, when I looked at caller lD, it was bill Jude and Callie's old social worker. I answered the phone, not all the way awake
I still had my eyes closed,
I'm surprised Lena didn't wake up. She's always been a deep sleeper, when we got home yesterday. We ate took our showers and went straight to bed
Neither one of us unpacked our luggage. Today we were planning
On staying home and during some laundry along with some grocery shopping. I didn't bother to pick up the phone, Lena and l decided we were no longer fostering again. Since all the kids are grown and out of the house
We needed to focus more on our marriage. When everybody left home, we made a promise to spend more time with each other
I just hope bill won't pop up over here. It just seems like everytime bill is in a jam, he always calls on us to bail him out of a situation
Now that I'm up l can't even go back to sleep. I mind as well make breakfast for me and Lena
I go and take a shower real quick
I might go to the store first before cooking. I think Lena already wrote a shopping list,
I just love the peace and quiet
Not to say that l don't miss our children, we leave in two weeks
There are a few things that needed to be done before we leave. We spoke to the realtor about our condo, l explain to her
Where going out of the country for a year. So we decided that we wanted to buy the three bedroom condo, instead of giving it up completely. They were a lot of forms that had to be signed, lm finished with my shower. I washed my hair
I got dressed in the bathroom without disturbing Lena, she's not exactly a morning person
She gets cranky if she's awaken to soon. Now that I am fully prepared to start my day, it's eight-thirty in the morning.
I head downstairs to get my car keys, l have everything need
Damn l forget my cell phone and wallet upstairs. I went back up and grabbed it, Lena's knock out sleep. Lena must be rather exhausted cause she didn't move once.  I have what l needed,
I walk out the front door,
Unlocked my SUV and hopped in
I buckler my seat belt. Now I'm just waiting for the car to warm up. I slowly pulled out the Driveway, and hit the highway 

Lena's: POV
When I woke up l realize Stef is not here. Where could she possibly have gone this early in the morning? I reached over for my phone to see what time it is
It's only nine-thirty. I roll back over, and go back to sleep
Tomorrow I have my final appointment at the fertility clinic
I'm scared a little bit.
Cause I don't want to get my hopes, I've been praying everyday for a miracle that I will have a baby. Something l never had the opportunity to experience the Joys of motherhood. I still miss my little girl, there's not a day that goes by
She's forever in my thoughts,
Sometimes l wonder how she would look like at seven years old. I cried myself so many nights
Asking why she was suddenly,
Taking from me so soon.
I see my friends with their children, and it hurt so much
The pain was so unbearable,
A part of me died when I loss Frankie. She will always be apart me, no matter what. This new baby is not a replacement,

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