Getting ready for the day

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Lena's: POV
I just arrived home from my run
I'm a little more relaxed. Since I had my run two hours ago,
I parked behind Stef's.
My appointment is in a couple of hours, l have decided not to let fear and self-doubt enter into my mind today, l know Stef is probably worried where l been
All this time. When I walked inside the house, l saw Stef sitting down in the kitchen eating pancakes and drinking coffee, l went to go get myself a plant of food. But I wanted some fruit on the side, l sat and got me three pancakes. Just that quick
I needed to take my medicine
With my meal,  me and Stef made small talk. It was nothing major when I got through with my breakfast. I went to wash my dishes out, and l headed upstairs to find something to wear.
I want for a pair of dark blue boot cut jeans and a nice shirt,
I laid my clothes out on the bed
I went into the bathroom to turn on the shower. I brought my shampoo and conditioner in with me, so I could wash my hair
The water was nice and hot
When I got in.

Stef's: POV
While Lena was gone l did a quick grocery run. When I came back to the house, l made us breakfast. I sat down to eat my meal, a few minutes later Lena comes through the door. Dressed in her running shorts, l say to myself she's been out running
Something. She's done to clear her head, Lena has always stayed in shape. She doesn't even eat junk food, she's always been like that. Since I can remember
When the kids were little, Lena barely allowed them to eat chips and stuff. I was known as the disciplinarian, which my children didn't like, they said l was to strict. So most of them went to Lena, cause she was the calm one. I don't never seen Lena raised her voice, but one time, when Jesus got punched in the eye at wrestling practice. And it was a another time, when her half brother called her mother a bad word, Lena went off on Joshua that day. I take that back
She's lost her temper a few time
Lena is a very passionate person

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