After dinner

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Stef's: POV
After having a lovely meal together. We went dancing
I actually enjoyed myself
It's rare that we go clubs.
I used to be scared of going clubbing, when I first met Lena l was getting use to living as a open Lesbian woman. My life has surely changed we have come such a long way since. Lena means everything to me, who would that being married to the most beautiful woman in the world. Even after all these years
We are still madly in love,

Lena's: POV
Tonight we had dinner at a nice restaurant. I still can't believe it
Tomorrow we will be celebrating our sixteen year wedding. anniversary, l still get butterflies in my stomach. When Stef enters the room, she still has that effect on me. Even after all the wonderful years together,
I couldn't love more if I tried she's the other half of my heart
I can remember the first day
We met at anchor beach charter school. She was there to register our son at the time. I was the one to give her the tour, she had the most beautiful hazel eyes. I found her sexy, smart intelligent
She is the queen of bad jokes.
Stef has given me a family, that l always wanted.

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