The long drive home part two

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Lena's: POV
I don't see why Sara was so persistent on bringing up Gretchen this evening.
All l wanted to do was going out to dinner with my wife, and see some of our friends. But Sara managed to pissed by talking what went on in pass, doesn't realize that Gretchen cheated on me with my best friend. Sometimes Sara says the wrong thing at wrong time, even Stef was getting a little irritated. Stef couldn't stand Gretchen, l did everything in my power tonight
Not to make a scene. Everyone that had been sitting at the table shook their heads. Sometimes people never change especially Sara she's the same. I wonder why she can't a girlfriend these days. It's her mouth that's going to get her trouble, she's going to run up the wrong person and get her feelings one day. I was quiet on the ride home, Stef knows how l get when pissed. She allowed  me to have my moment,
Ever since we left the restaurant
This evening. Something's been weighing heavy on my mind,
I don't know if I should mention it to Stef. I know where planning leaving in a month to go to  Venezuela for a year.
It's been a few years since we loss
Our daughter Frankie,
I want us to try again to have a baby. With a different donor
That's anonymous. Someone we don't know, l don't how she's going feel about this.
The kids are all grown up and out the house. We put our foster license on hold, cause we won't looking to fostering any more kids. I schedule an appointment with my doctor to have my levels checked again. My doctor referred me to a fertility specialist. They help women who have a hard time getting pregnant, l looked up some information about the services that they at the clinic. They do IVF treatments. That are expensive, l have bit of money saved up. I know that I am in over my head with this.
To see if I could carry a baby to term. Cause the last time my blood pressure was extremely high. l pray for a miracle this time. That we have a baby this time,

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